In the cases, #GonzalezVGoogle & #TwitterVTaamneh , the court could set new boundaries to interpret #Section230 of the #CommunicationsDecencyAct, a 1996 law that arguably supports the economic models of #SocialMedia & other interactive websites hosting #ThirdParty #content—& #Antiterrorism laws that allow victims of international #terrorist attacks to seek compensation from those who “#AidAndAbet” the assaults.
#gonzalezvgoogle #twittervtaamneh #section230 #communicationsdecencyact #socialmedia #thirdparty #content #antiterrorism #terrorist #aidandabet
The latest issue of the International Journal on Criminology has been released, featuring articles on topics such as global #mafias, #antiterrorism policies in #France, #financial #crimes, #film and #COVID19
#mafias #antiterrorism #france #financial #crimes #film #COVID19
Congratulations to the innovative #LawEnforcementAcademy! This continued commitment of the people to the security of NE #Syria demonstrates the presence of a strong capable force in the #region. #DefeatISIS #AdviseAssistEnable #AntiTerrorism #LawEnforcement
#lawenforcement #antiterrorism #AdviseAssistEnable #DefeatISIS #region #Syria #lawenforcementacademy
“As Morocco & France Prepare [To Play]
For World Cup, Historical Tensions Swirl
[For All Of History Is On Display
(We can see how we’ve made a racist world)]”
#headlinepoem #headlinesonnet #colonialism #antiterrorism #moroccofrance #worldcup