two methods for #Injecting code into local process and run in-memory without make any new process and #bypassing #Antiviruses ...
my new #C2 server Web-browser edition (for test only) with two (old but still useful) Techniques for Run #Assembly #bytes #inmemory
and i made Network C# core code for this New C# C2 server [web-browser edition] via #AIChat + search in, this site is awesome, all research only here in this site, still i really do not use after this "" Search engine + AI and #AI Chat etc
helps to fast research and i made C2 server very faster than before via all things are faster and better but sometimes code are not good or have bug/error but its ok ;D i can handle that.
as you can see "runmem" and "runmem2" are two internal commands for my C2 and which two method my Assembly code is Running in-Memory (downloaded from address asm-bytes via text format and run in memory via C2 Server side code [NativePayload_ServerC2.exe]) and Windows Defender Bypassed very well, these methods are not new but sill useful in some AVs ;D
related video =>
i will talk about Making C2 Server and these Codes in my New #ebook by one Chapter...
#redteam #pentesting
#injecting #Bypassing #antiviruses #c2 #assembly #bytes #inmemory #aichat #ai #ebook #redteam #pentesting
#offensivesecurity #ChatGPT #csharp #pentesting #redteaming
as i said years ago C# #programming and #csharp #Offensive codes is really good for #bypassing #Antiviruses and #EDRs also modern #malwares will use C# codes, because still Antivirus companies focus is on C/C++ codes more than others codes like C# also C# in-memory attacks really was successful experience against Anti-viruses (those days, even these days ;D) , now we see a lot #pentesting course via C# programming also a lot #redteaming C# Codes and Offensive C# Codes and Courses, that because Pentesters and Red-teamers really know what they can do by C# in win7,10,11 etc so this will be continue
But Some "beginner" Pentesters/Red-teamers think C# is not Useful for making Offensive codes which is "wrong mindset"
i can explain why C# Offensive programming is really useful and good for Pentesters/red-teamers etc, for example how you can use Windows #API programming to #bypass AVs/EDRs also how you can use .NET Features for compiling codes in-memory for bypassing AVs also why C# codes still is not in top priority for detecting via AVs and a lot #methods and #techniques which is #unique in .net and C# which you have not them in C/C++ very simple and ...
for explaining these C#.Net features "step-by-step with details" i use "ChatGPT" to explain much better for you.
so i + "ChatGPT" made our first Video together for you all to "explain technical details" why C# is one of top languages for #offensive programming .... ;D👇
#offensivesecurity #chatgpt #csharp #pentesting #redteaming #programming #offensive #Bypassing #antiviruses #edrs #malwares #api #bypass #methods #techniques #unique