Anti White Watch ☀️
Thug ties up gas station employees then dowses them with lighter fluid before setting them on fire. Just one of thousands of cases of #BlackonWhiteViolence that you've never heard of in the globalist #antiwhite media.
#antiwhite #blackonwhiteviolence
Now let's not spread hate anywhere, shall we? In fact, let's get laws to protect some people from criticism.
☣️ #racism #genocide #ACE2 #RFK #antiwhite #spike #ADOS #Africa
#racism #genocide #ace2 #rfk #antiwhite #spike #ados #africa
Chick-Fil-A CEO and major cuck Dan Cathy says all whites should get on their knees and shine black peoples’ shoes with "a sense of shame, a sense of embarrassment". The most cringe thing I have seen in a long time.
We make a tale with our hash tags ... Then we reject slave mentality ... Free your mind from White Guilt via @BitChute #WarOnWhite #AntiWhite
#AntiRacismISAntiWhite #WhiteRights
#WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory
#Cuck #RacialCuckold #NoWhiteGuilt
#waronwhite #antiwhite #antiracismisantiwhite #whiterights #whiteculture #whitehistory #cuck #racialcuckold #nowhiteguilt
#Wokeness is #AntiWhite | Vote Wrong: Face Gulag under ZOG | New Party of White Needed! Today in how they hate thee ... Oh they hate thee ... For the sake of your person and Christ they hate thee!
#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets
#wokeness #antiwhite #ethnostate #whiteidentity #whites #whitemajority #nations #folk #people #westernman #westernculture #westernpride #euroamericans #home #hearth #heritage #community #commongood #whitesurvival #family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets
The people that whine the loudest about racism and slavery also seem to be the most Ignorant.
#antiwhite #blackracism #racism
#wokeracism #wokeism #woke #antiwhite #racism #blm #canada #NAC
"Taxpayer Funded Theatre BANS All White Customers From Shows!"
#wokeracism #wokeism #woke #antiwhite #racism #blm #canada #nac
#AntiRacism is #AntiWhite They say they are against #Racism but they are really against #White Folks having pride in their race. ONLY WHITES are suppose to give up their history or lands over this 'original sin' of 'racism' ... #Diversity far from being a strength is in fact a #DeathCult!
#deathcult #diversity #white #racism #antiwhite #antiracism
A short direct talk about Race and Reality. via @BitChute Crude. Direct. And Blunt!
If you are soft flee now! We are all the same? BS that is #Marxist claptrap .... Race is real .... and Whiteness Matters!
In Fine:
We live under #Tyranny.
We are not free.
We are not at liberty!
We are under an #AntiWhite #Antiracist #AntiChrist #Diversity Tower of Babel Tyranny!
#diversity #antichrist #antiracist #antiwhite #tyranny #marxist
@blbc - good to met you. Fundamentally book banning is a foundational element of discrimination. It is a defensive action used around the world to "other" people, isolate and demean them, and repress them as well. #Reading is #fundamental - a value many of us grew up with in America, but it too, along with #libraries, #librarians, #education and #Knowledgesharing have been #branded as #leftist #woke and #antiwhite. We will #persist We will #prevail. There is no other #Choice (double entendre)
#reading #fundamental #libraries #librarians #Education #KnowledgeSharing #branded #leftist #woke #antiwhite #persist #prevail #Choice
We live under #Tyranny. We are not free. We are not at liberty! We are under an #AntiWhite #Antiracist #AntiChrist #Diversity Tower of Babel Tyranny! via
#diversity #antichrist #antiracist #antiwhite #tyranny
A meme based visual about our reality.
In Fine:
We live under #Tyranny.
We are not free.
We are not at liberty!
We are under an #AntiWhite #Antiracist #AntiChrist #Diversity Tower of Babel Tyranny!
#White is Right
#Nazi you say?
#Marxist Dupe of the #Communist!
One Human race is low iq Marxist Babble not reality!
Take Notes:
#Race is real; thus '#racism' is just natural and good!
I love my own.
We are gonna survive!
#racism #race #communist #marxist #nazi #ItsOkayToBeWhite #white #diversity #antichrist #antiracist #antiwhite #tyranny
We live under #Tyranny. We are not free. We are not at liberty! We are under an #AntiWhite #Antiracist #AntiChrist #Diversity Tower of Babel Tyranny!
#diversity #antichrist #antiracist #antiwhite #tyranny
A meme based visual about our reality. via @BitChute A meme based visual about our reality.
In Fine:
We live under #Tyranny.
We are not free.
We are not at liberty!
We are under an #AntiWhite #Antiracist #AntiChrist #Diversity Tower of Babel Tyranny!
#White is Right
#Nazi you say?
#Marxist Dupe of the #Communist!
One Human race is low iq Marxist Babble not reality!
Take Notes:
#racism #race #communist #marxist #nazi #ItsOkayToBeWhite #white #diversity #antichrist #antiracist #antiwhite #tyranny
#DEMOCRATS HYPOCRISY #IlhanOmar shows her #prejudice #bigotry and #racism as she spews #antiSemitic #antiChristian and #antiwhite rhetoric with her fellow #squad members. Based on his own behavior #EricSwalwell lacks integrity. His security clearances have been called into question. But that’s just the surface of this discussion.
#democrats #ilhanomar #prejudice #bigotry #racism #antisemitic #antichristian #antiwhite #squad #ericswalwell
#Diversity #Inclusion #Equity is a Death Cult that is #AntiWhite #AntiMale #AntiChrist
Its purpose is to help the White Race Die!
Diversity means Less Whites!
Inclusion means even less Whites!
Equity means getting rid of all the WHITES!
WHITES DIE BY Diversity!
#antichrist #antimale #antiwhite #equity #inclusion #diversity
White French Girl Raped and Murdered by Diversity | Body Parts Sold | Race Hate For Whites is Real
#WhiteRights #WhiteHistory #WhiteCulture #LetMyPeopleGo #USAPrisonHouse #GULAGUSA #LockDownUSA #GreatReset #GreatReplacement #ReplacementImmingration #JEWS #Antisemitism #ProWhite #ProMale #AntiWhite #AntiMale #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #European
#european #EuroAmericans #WesternPride #WesternCulture #WesternMan #people #folk #antimale #antiwhite #ProMale #ProWhite #antisemitism #jews #ReplacementImmingration #greatreplacement #GreatReset #LockDownUSA #GULAGUSA #USAPrisonHouse #LetMyPeopleGo #whiteculture #WhiteHistory #WhiteRights