GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
41 followers · 511 posts · Server

“New organization commits to fighting institutions”

by Jews Against White Supremacy in @mondoweiss

“Jews Against seeks to educate and radically transform communities around the world while challenging and fighting for a free .”

is an explicitly Jewish organization dedicated to fighting Zionist Jewish institutions. As per their charter, JAWS “exist(s) to fight for the liberation of Palestine by any means possible. We vehemently oppose the Zionist settler colonial project of Israel and are against all forms of settler colonialism.”

This growing organization, with a presence in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Indonesia, prioritizes internationalism at the forefront of its organizing.

“We strongly believe there is a need for a Jewish anti-Zionist organization such as ours which specifically focuses on challenging Jewish Zionist institutions and fighting Zionism in our community at its most pervasive core,” says organizer M. Wisnefsky “As Jews for whom the Zionist settler colonial project is being committed in our name we have a specific duty to fight these institutions which have been responsible for actively perpetuating a in Palestine and who claim to represent us.”

#jewish #zionist #whitesupremacy #SettlerColonialism #palestine #jaws #antizionist #genocide #apartheidisrael #ethniccleansing #childmurder #childtorture

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
92 followers · 2311 posts · Server

’s has an obsession with abuses. has an obsession with trampling Waters. I prefer his obsession. ■ Waters is . His position re the , the , and the problematic nature of the is, in essence, correct.

#pinkfloyd #rogerwaters #humanrights #israel #antizionist #occupation #nakba #jewishstate

Last updated 1 year ago

Bunkunin · @Bunkunin
575 followers · 3373 posts · Server
דזשאָן דאָעפּע · @johndoepe
195 followers · 1490 posts · Server

There's this thing I'm noticing where people link their position to the current government.

Effectively zero people ever change their or antizionist opinions due to who is elected at any given point in .

Seems like a weird obfuscation for no reason.

#antizionist #israeli #zionist #israel

Last updated 2 years ago

Bunkunin · @Bunkunin
516 followers · 2939 posts · Server

Arrest of Jewish anti-Zionist activist ‘reminiscent of how Palestinians are treated’

#Israel #antizionist

Last updated 2 years ago

Wise Guy On Mastodon · @OldYesButWise
114 followers · 395 posts · Server

RT Can you be specific abt which ‘Jewish communities’ you mean? As a non-Jew I’m aware tht some Jews support ; others don’t. Since u are a & u’ve expelled big numbers of Jews frm , I assume you only have warm wishes for pro- Jews?


#zionist #israel #antizionist #labour

Last updated 2 years ago

Evan Carroll · @evancarroll
24 followers · 72 posts · Server

Many servers _explicitly_ ban racism, and de-federate racism, none of them (that I've seen) ban Zionism. It is interesting how the CoCs feel so corporate even on a network that is so clearly not corporate.

I'm not arguing that banning is the right way to handle racism. I'm just confused at how anti-racism is so splotchy and inconsistent when there is no monetary incentive to perpetuate it.

#israel #zionist #antizionist #bds

Last updated 2 years ago

ich bin
nicht obwohl ich Jude bin
sondern weil ich bin

Und nein, es gibt keinen

Aber jüdischen
gibt es schon
zionistischen Rassismus sowieso

Gute Woche und den christlichen Menschen einen besinnlichen Advent.
2022 ist er besonders lang.

#antizionist #jude #judischen #antisemitismus #rassismus #apartheidisrael #OneDemocraticState #freepalestine #judaism #zionism #notinmyname

Last updated 2 years ago

Saggy · @Itssaggy
0 followers · 4 posts · Server

New to the instance so I’ll introduce myself:

Lefty diasporic based in I enjoy and interested in having open and collaborative conversations to try to find solutions to the problems faced online and IRL

#antizionist #jew #losangeles #embroidery #sewing #democratic

Last updated 2 years ago

CP93 · @CP93
49 followers · 268 posts · Server

Is there a hashtag for people of (partial) Jewish descent who are and feel that the current state of Israel is an example of ?

#antizionist #enantiodromia

Last updated 2 years ago

Ruby Sinreich · @ruby
365 followers · 2144 posts · Server
דזשאָן דאָעפּע · @johndoepe
35 followers · 72 posts · Server

Mastadon debate is not overly different than on the birb.

Anyway, two walk into a bar...

Moshe a and Zev an . They had spent the day debating one another.

As they reach for the door at the same time there's mutual looks of disgust but it's been a long day and they're tired and thirsty so they both go in anyway.

They walk up to the bar and the bartender looks at them and says "we don't serve Jews here."

That's the Joke.

#zionism #antizionism #jews #zionist #antizionist #bundist #mazeldon

Last updated 2 years ago

jiujensu · @jiujensu
17 followers · 16 posts · Server

I picked up marital arts 10 years ago & have black belts in tang soo do & - now i teach some too.

are central to my values - Inclusive, basically, but not tolerant of intolerance.

I graduated in - still interested in & but skeptical of the wellness industry. Was a tech in molecular bio, a court transcriptionist.

#nutrition #science #microbiology #antizionist #prisonabolitionist #socialist #antifascist #AntiRacist #feminist #anticapitalist #humanrights #brazilianjiujitsu #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

howierechavia · @howiet
7 followers · 10 posts · Server

Hi! Im . Ich bin . I am excited about the . About me. Über mich:

I am a 33 year old raging using they/he pronouns. I’m also , , and . Ich rede and live between and .

I’m finishing my in at . I write about race and in contemporary , , and transnational and . I organise a queer night. I will be unemployed from January :-)

#newhere #neuhier #twittermigration #queer #jewish #antifascist #antizionist #deutsch #london #berlin #phd #anthropology #columbia #racism #germany #reparations #whitesupremacy #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

Kaypear99 · @kaypear99
116 followers · 348 posts · Server

I am a 60ish life-long activist & living in a small city in the eastern part of so-called Canada. I love & smashing , not necessarily in that order. I also like & .
I avoid posting my pic on the net, so my avatar is a strange green flower that grew in my echinacea patch.

#introductions #twittermigration #queer #lesbian #antizionist #jew #AntiFascist #sciencefiction #patriarchy #cooking #gardening #abolition #noTerfs #noborders #Landback #blm #DisabilityJustice #anticapitalist #freepalestine

Last updated 2 years ago