Guion: 📝📝
Realización/interpretación: 🎬🎬🎬
Relación calidad/tiempo: ⭐️
Punto estrella: no tiene. Si se puede salvar algo de la película queda eclipsado por el desastre general que es.
I’m not sure why people aren’t liking #AntManQuantumania as much. I thought it was enjoyable.
Ieri sera ho recuperato #AntManQuantumania
Sinceramente, dopo averne sentito parlare male, mi aspettavo di peggio.
Capiamoci, è un film banale, ma non arriva a toccare il fondo dell'orrendo.
Peccato per Cassie, speravo in un personaggio più approfondito, invece è molto macchietta. Wasp non pervenuta, se non nel titolo.
Dimenticabile come tante delle ultime opere del #MCU si salva solo il Kang di Jonathan Majors che mi ha convinto molto.
#antmanquantumania #mcu #FilmSegreti
I'm not sure what is up with that Rotten Tomatoes critic score. I just saw #AntManQuantumania and I thought it was fantastic! My favorite Marvel film since Shang-Chi. Enjoyed every moment of it. 👏
🎥 Ma dernière séance ... Ant-Man et la Guêpe : Quantumania
Les films Marvel ne sont plus ce qu'ils ont été ...
... Insipide et sans saveur !
#cinema #AntManQuantumania
I just got out of #AntManQuantumania and I didn't think it was as bad as some reviewers are saying. It's a bit of fun and has some great special effects. I'm sure there's also going to be plenty of Jentorra/Cassie shipping and fanfic.
I enjoyed the new #AntManQuantumania - bit of a messy ending, but visually interesting and inventive throughout with a great performance from Johnathan Majors as Kang. Plus, it had MODOK being a weird little guy, which is the main thing I required of a MODOK.
#antmanquantumania #marvel #mcu #AntmanAndTheWasp #AntManandTheWaspQuantumania
I enjoyed the new #AntManQuantumania - bit of a messy ending, but visually interesting with a great performance from Johnathan Majors as Kang.
Having watched the newest Ant-Man movie, #AntmanQuantumania my thoughts are... Its fine. It is a set up for the rest of this phase, introducing the new overarching villain. But he comes and then goes by the end of the movie. The plot starts waving some more terms around (multiverse! dimensions!) but they don't connect to people's lives directly.
It reminds me of a non-canon anime OVA. A faraway place the characters visit, do something isolated, then leave. Consequences? Eh.
3/5 stars.
I have also seen #AntmanQuantumania and this was pleasantly more trippy - it’s giving Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Wars vibe and I’m here for it, it’s a solid blockbuster and it doesn’t take itself too seriously thankfully - but I think I’ve got a fair bit of Marvel fatigue now, and it all seems a little too familiar. I hope they shake it hard to refresh cause you watch this one and you just know that it’s basically a set-up film for like the next five to seven years’ worth of story 😅
I added Paul Rudd's new movie to a thrifted painting #antman #antmanandthewasp #antmanquantumania #antman3 #paulrudd #conanobrien #art #artist #painting #repainting #repurposed #recycled #alteredart #daveruinsart #thrifted #vintage #vintageart #thriftedart #nerd #nerdculture
#antman #antmanandthewasp #antmanquantumania #antman3 #paulrudd #conanobrien #art #artist #painting #repainting #repurposed #recycled #alteredart #daveruinsart #thrifted #vintage #vintageart #thriftedart #nerd #nerdculture
Ok I can’t believe it but amongst all the chaos today I forgot to share this cute little pic of me at the #AntManQuantumania advanced screening! This move was a lot of fun to see in theatres, def recommend.
Ein #Marvel-Film, der mich so absolut Null anspricht: #AntManQuantumania. Ich mag #AntMan und den Witz der ersten zwei Teile. Dieser „CI in your Face“-Overkill ist mir und meinen Augen aber deutlich zu viel. Da mich auch die Story absolut nicht anspricht, werde ich hier passen.
#marvel #antmanquantumania #antman
I kind of hate this new trailer for #AntManQuantumania. First of all this movie seems to reach "Star Wars prequels"-levels in terms of actors standing in front of greenscreens. It all looks shiny and fake. #Marvel needs to rethink it's approach to CGI, Thor 4 proved that. But I also dislike the over the top "epicness". There's no trace of the quirky irreverence that to me is an important trademark of the Ant-Man character. #AntMan #Quantumania #movies #trailer
#antmanquantumania #Marvel #antman #quantumania #movies #trailer