Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Amy Coney Barrett Thinks People Have 'Misimpressions' of the Supreme Court #Jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #amyconeybarrett #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #supremecourt #samuelalito #johnroberts #elenakagan #dianesykes #lawclerk #lawcrime #roevwade #wade #roe
#jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #amyconeybarrett #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #supremecourt #samuelalito #johnroberts #elenakagan #dianesykes #lawclerk #lawcrime #roevwade #wade #roe
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Is This All You've Got on Justice Sonia Sotomayor? #Jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #soniasotomayor #clarencethomas #jmichaelluttig #michaelluttig #antoninscalia #samuelalito #danfroomkin #sotomayor #frankboas #megadonor #lawcrime #politics #venmo
#jezebel #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #soniasotomayor #clarencethomas #jmichaelluttig #michaelluttig #antoninscalia #samuelalito #danfroomkin #sotomayor #frankboas #megadonor #lawcrime #politics #venmo
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Justice Alito Reportedly Took $100K Private Jet Flight, Drank Wine That Cost $1K Per Bottle #Jezebel #samuelalitosupremecourtnomination #unitedstatescourtsofappeals #raymondrandolph #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #robinarkley #samuelalito #salmonlodge #donaldtrump #paulsinger #leonardleo #lawyers #jurists #teneo #sam
#jezebel #samuelalitosupremecourtnomination #unitedstatescourtsofappeals #raymondrandolph #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #robinarkley #samuelalito #salmonlodge #donaldtrump #paulsinger #LeonardLeo #lawyers #jurists #teneo #sam
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Justice Alito Writes Aggrieved Wall Street Journal Op-Ed Defending His Luxury Fishing Trip #Jezebel #federaljudiciaryoftheunitedstates #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #unitedstatescourtsofappeals #unitedstatesfederalcourts #wallstreetjournal #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #perhapsalito #samuelalito #paulsinger #jaywillis #samalito #dobbs
#jezebel #federaljudiciaryoftheunitedstates #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #unitedstatescourtsofappeals #unitedstatesfederalcourts #wallstreetjournal #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #perhapsalito #samuelalito #paulsinger #jaywillis #samalito #dobbs
You know, I'm beginning to think that Supreme Court justices accepting valuable gifts from rich people, with interests in cases before the Supreme Court, may not be new or limited to Justice Thomas. Perhaps Congress should exercise more oversight over SCOTUS ethics.
#ClarenceThomas #HarlanCrow #SCOTUS #AntoninScalia #Graft
#graft #antoninscalia #SCOTUS #harlancrow #clarencethomas
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Harlan Crow, Clarence Thomas' Benefactor, Tells Congress It Can't Investigate the Supreme Court #Jezebel #catholicchurchintheunitedstates #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #conservatismintheunitedstates #americanenterpriseinstitute #lawschoolsintheunitedstates #gibson2cdunn26crutcherllp #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #susanrinkunas #michaeldbopp #ginnithomas #hitler
#jezebel #catholicchurchintheunitedstates #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #conservatismintheunitedstates #americanenterpriseinstitute #lawschoolsintheunitedstates #gibson2cdunn26crutcherllp #clarencethomas #antoninscalia #susanrinkunas #michaeldbopp #ginnithomas #hitler
Another day, another conservative Supreme Court Justice who accepted undisclosed gifts. This time, it's the late Antonin Scalia.
Dem Senator: Scalia accepted over 70 undisclosed gifts similar to Clarence Thomas
#USPol #Politics #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #Alternet #News #AntoninScalia #ClarenceThomas #Corruption
#uspol #politics #scotus #supremecourt #alternet #news #antoninscalia #clarencethomas #corruption
Meet the 'Ghost' Woman Fox Relied on for Voter Fraud Claims
"Cactus artist" #MarleneBourne claims she might be a ghost and #AntoninScalia was hunted for sport. Her ideas got airtime on #FoxNews.
#TheBigLie #Election2022
#marlenebourne #antoninscalia #foxnews #thebiglie #election2022
@mekkaokereke #RBG, a hero to so many white women, was close, personal friends for many years, until his death, with the rabidly racist #AntoninScalia.
She was the epitome of #whiteFeminism.
#whitefeminism #antoninscalia #RBG
Supreme Court asked to bar punishment for acquitted conduct #Indianastategovernment #KetanjiBrownJackson #RuthBaderGinsburg #Legalproceedings #ClarenceThomas #AntoninScalia #APTopNews #Politics #Crime
#crime #politics #aptopnews #antoninscalia #clarencethomas #legalproceedings #ruthbaderginsburg #ketanjibrownjackson #indianastategovernment
"Whistleblower EXPOSES Right Wing Supreme Court Justices MASSIVE CORRUPTION in SHOCKING Testimony"
#RoevWade #abortion #birthcontrol #schenck #dobbs #womensrights #humanrights #supremecourt #corruption #JimJordan #maga #republican #justices #SamuelAlito #alito #AntoninScalia #scalia #theocratic #fascism #fascist
#dobbs #roevwade #abortion #birthcontrol #schenck #womensrights #humanrights #supremecourt #corruption #jimjordan #MAGA #republican #justices #samuelalito #alito #antoninscalia #scalia #theocratic #fascism #fascist
Qanon – Lin Wood finally drops the Epstein kids sale tape to Justice John Roberts: Also the death of Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia
#qanon #LinWood #Epstein #JohnRoberts #AntoninScalia
#antoninscalia #johnroberts #epstein #LinWood #qanon