@connect_icut @vinylrecords Got me wondering what my #lastfm recently ranked artists would be, had I used it: Maybe #RAPFerreira? #AntonWebern perhaps? Probably #TheClash, they are always at the ready round these parts.
But anyway - surprised to see #TheYoungGods on your list! They were on my radar in the 80s, initially because The Swans Young God EP left such a deep cleft in my brain. But I did like their early records a lot. Didn't realise they've released like a dozen more albums since.
#rapferreira #TheYoungGods #theclash #antonwebern #lastfm
Aktuell in der #HörBar der #nmz: Gruppo Montebello — Schon lange sind all jene Bearbeitungen kein Geheimtipp mehr, die zwischen 1918 und 1921 für die halböffentlichen Konzerte des von Arnold Schönberg gegründeten Vereins für musikalische Privatauf
#KlassischeModerne #Romantik #AlexanderZemlinsky #AntonWebern #ArnoldSchnberg #EtCeteraLabel #GruppoMontebello #HenkGuittart #MaxReger #RudolfKolisch #VereinFrMusikalischePrivatauffhrungen
#horbar #nmz #klassischemoderne #romantik #alexanderzemlinsky #antonwebern #arnoldschnberg #etceteralabel #gruppomontebello #henkguittart #maxreger #rudolfkolisch #vereinfrmusikalischeprivatauffhrungen
"Revel in sounds, you conductors, then you do right" - Anton Webern
#twelvetone #secondvienneseschool #antonwebern
#AntonWebern 1883 – 1945
"Im Sommerwind" Idyll für großes Orchester. (1904)
#The ClevelandOrchestra #ChristophVonDohnányi.
#musik #music #musique #musica #modernistmusic #neoclassical #Webern
#webern #neoclassical #modernistmusic #musica #musique #music #musik #christophvondohnanyi #the #antonwebern
#NowPlaying #GlennGould #AntonWebern #SecondVienneseSchool
Glenn Gould playing Anton Webern's Variations, Op. 27 (1936) filmed in 1974. I'm captivated by this crossover hand technique.
#secondvienneseschool #antonwebern #glenngould #nowplaying
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/3/23
#Midori #TrioGaspard #TokyoStringQuartet #DavidWatkin #JánosStarker #LeonPommers #GeorgesSzolchanyi #GyörgySebök #RichterEnsemble #RaphaelaGromes
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-3-3-23/pl.u-GgA55mBHo2P9epr
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13783043
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/07PTZzCDSbqDt41tJ2MuFt?si=91d71f8dcffa4166
#ClassicalMusic @classicalmusic #nowplaying #playlist #cello #cellist #music #mastomusic #quartet #violin #violinist #JSBach #Haydn #Schubert #Mendelssohn #AntonWebern
#midori #triogaspard #tokyostringquartet #davidwatkin #janosstarker #leonpommers #georgesszolchanyi #gyorgysebok #richterensemble #raphaelagromes #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #classicalmusic #nowplaying #playlist #cello #cellist #music #mastomusic #quartet #violin #violinist #jsbach #haydn #schubert #mendelssohn #antonwebern
I’m not a natural fan of the classical voice (or in jazz for that matter*). It is perhaps ironical that I delight in #HeatherHarper’s treatment of #Webern’s #VierLieder (4 songs) für #Singstimme (voiced forcefully?) & #Klavier, Op.12. #CharlesHarper, #piano. Members of #LSO. Directed by Pierre #Boulez. By comparison, imo, #Schoenberg’s 2nd String Qrt is marred by the addition of a soprano. Harper’s performance has an instrumental quality to it. #AntonWebern
*#LadyDay notwithstanding.
#ladyday #antonwebern #schoenberg #Boulez #LSO #piano #charlesharper #klavier #singstimme #vierlieder #webern #heatherharper
How NOT to have tepid syrup poured into your ears until it overflows, ruining your evening attire. #AntonWebern #LSO #JulliardStringQuartet #PierreBoulez
Opuses 1–31.
#PierreBoulez #julliardstringquartet #LSO #antonwebern
"Anton Webern - Variations for Piano, Op. 27 (1936)" on YouTube https://youtu.be/LOhZjgsqQ04
#classicalmusic #pianovariations #antonwebern