Today, August 14, Odd Thomas, a fry cook who can see dead people, learns that he has 24 hours to stop a terrible catastrophe (Odd Thomas, 2013)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #OddThomas #AntonYelchin
#movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #oddthomas #antonyelchin
This is a #picardspoiler but not a big one. Having the Federation President named "Anton Chekov" is a lovely, subtle tribute to the late #AntonYelchin.
In the "Picard" finale, catch the nice tribute to Anton Yelchin, who played PAVEL Chekov in the Kelvin universe, and sadly died young. The audio transmission was voiced by Walter Koenig, who played the Starfleet President's father in The Original Series.
(Note that there is a famous Russian playwright of the same name, but I doubt that he was the inspiration here.)
#startrek #antonyelchin #walterkoenig #picard
Looks like #jeremyrenner got run over by his own snowplow, conceptually like #AntonYelchin I guess.
Pulling for him. Sucks this happened to him.
I need a palate cleanser after #TheBrainwashingOfMyFather and I stumble on #OddThomas.
It's one of my favorite, staring #AntonYelchin, the new #StarTrek #Chekov, who had so much potential until he died being run over by his own car that should've been recalled....
Ok. My palate is uncleansing now.
Back on point. This is a seriously underrated film containing some of the finest short-cook choreography in the business. It's a poignant love story, a monster movie,
#chekov #StarTrek #antonyelchin #OddThomas #thebrainwashingofmyfather