Got an inflamed intercostal muscle (no wonder with all the shit that's happening) and now I'm stuck sitting at the table waiting for the diazepam to kick in so I can properly breathe again #anxietyLife
All set up for the first meeting of the lgbtq affinity group I’m starting at my library, a work of nearly a year and input from many coworkers, and needed now more than ever before.
Of course now is when the nerves really set in. What if nobody comes (I have several RSVPs just from today alone)? What if nobody wants to participate (literally every person I’ve proposed this too from staff to Dean level has been enthusiastic)?
Aaaaahhhh!!!! #AnxietyLife
Booked a taxi with local company for 8am tomorrow morning in order for 5 of us to catch a coach to London.
Major anxiety that it won't show up, or it will be late & it'll be a nightmare & we'll miss the coach & the whole day will be ruined...
There are no local companies without awful reviews saying they just dont show up 😅
I think I left enough time that if doesn't show we could get an emergency Uber that at least you can track in their app 🙈
#anxietylife ... that time when my anxiety is spiking beyond what I can easily cope with, and I have only one gentle friend I can talk to, but I can't really express how important she is because I don't want to lay that kind of burden on her...
Admittedly, I have developed a lot of new irrational fears thanks to tiktok scrolling at 2am, but considering that last night I had a nightmare that I had somehow forgot to complete year 12 and the government was forcing me to go back and resit high school even though I’m one class away from receiving my Masters means that my brain is always on the hunt to find new things to terrifying me with. Doesn’t it have anything else better to do like umm stopping my feet feeling like their burning randomly? #anxietylife #seriouslythough
I was heckin productive today. Did errands and chores and some drawings. But bad brain is telling me to be terrified for some reason. It feels like something terrible is going to happen, and I don't know what it is, and I HATE THAT!
#BadBrain #anxiety #anxietylife #doingmybest
What OTC herbals are you taking for #anxiety? How effective are they and how are you liking them?
The only thing i regret as a younger man is learning to not give a shit. #anxietylife #protips . now i know. :-)