Currently #reading #FredrikBackman #AnxiousPeople.
I've read a couple of his other #books but I'm sorta struggling with this one, it's just barely holding my interest.
#reading #fredrikbackman #anxiouspeople #books
there is no tv broadcast at home, only streaming platforms and what I download from the internet. While #knitting, I want something on the screen and a little background noise that are not tiring. the most successful ever, #nordiccomedies, not even canned applause, they make just clever humor #loveandanarchy #anxiouspeople #tvcomedy #tvseries #calmtv
#calmtv #tvseries #TVcomedy #anxiouspeople #LoveAndAnarchy #nordiccomedies #knitting
Finished #AnxiousPeople by Fredrik Backman. Lots of crying in the second half, but that's always the case with his books.