I got sent a link by someone to this, http://www.wouxun.us/item.php?item_id=447&category_id=91
(I'm assuming they don't want credit since the message was "locked")
It is more than I need, but it has the button. So, I bought it and swapped out the red button with my radio, as I didn't want to take my radio completely apart just to replace the button (as I'm not sure I could have put it back together)
And now I have extra buttons, in case I lose a different one.
#amateurradio #hamradio #AnyTone878 #anytone
I've reached out to:
* AnyTone (directly; no response)
* BridgeCom
* DX Engineering
* Ham Radio Outlet
* Powerwerx
and so far, most vendors have said to reach out to AnyTone directly or don't have any options available
I've even looked at getting a broken one on eBay, but those are still expensive
I might have to ask a friend to 3D print one
Has this happened to anyone else who has an AnyTone 878 UV*?
(and of course, it's out of warranty)
#AnyTone878 #anytone #amateurradio #hamradio
Seitenfrage an die AnyTone 878 - ist bei euch der Unterschied zwischen dem FM analog Audio und dem Digitalen Audio so dramatisch groß? Auf dem digitalen Betrieb muss ich recht laut machen, damit ich was verstehen kann - auf analog fliegen einem die Ohren weg. #hamradio #anytone #dmr
Thank you for the activation. I am interested in many ham radio related topics...
#introducion #hamradio #dapnet #icom #yaesu #anytone #dmr #tgif #pistar #retevis #mmdvm #efhw #qrp #m5stack #raspberry #lorawan #cloudlog #rumlog
#rumlog #Cloudlog #lorawan #raspberry #m5stack #qrp #efhw #mmdvm #Retevis #pistar #tgif #dmr #anytone #yaesu #icom #DAPNET #hamradio #introducion
Operating #portable / #mobile #ham on a #bike isn't always fun. A tire damage kicked me out for some time, heat and an approaching thunderstorm made me ride a bit faster than usual, and – as usual on this route – a lot of APRS data sent from the digipeaters but no #QSO.
Interesting comparison between #GPS and #APRS data. Compare the pictures.
#garmin #anytone #austria #bicycle #aprsfi #aprs #gps #qso #bike #ham #mobile #portable
What would you guys recommend if I want to replace my Anytone 878 with another unit? Should be a DMR device for Brandmeister network #hamradio #brandmeister #anytone
#anytone #brandmeister #hamradio
Anytone 878 UV plus in der Schweiz verboten
Ich habe eben in einem QSO mit einem Schweizer OM und einem OM aus Deutschland erfahren, dass das auch in DL sehr verbreitete Funkgerät in der Schweiz knallhart verboten wurden. Auch wenn derzeit wohl Gespräche zwischen BAKOM, USK und dem Hersteller laufen, ist das auch für OM aus DL interessant, die in der Schweiz U
#Amateurfunk #DMR #Amateurfunk #Anytone #Geräteverbot
#amateurfunk #dmr #anytone #gerateverbot
@astrid This clearly isn't the official AnyTone site and I'm not even sure if they're really the US support partner or if they're just good at SEO and hamfisted attempts at sharing their gospel. Anyone ever work with AnyTone Tech?
To add on to this, I did a search for AnyTone support and there's a company based in the US called AnyTone Tech that presents itself as AT support. Meanwhile on their "about" page they're walking down the Romans Road trying to save my eternal soul.
#hamradio #amateurradio #anytone #exchristian
Update on the #anytone AT778UV cable: Pinout matches #retevis RT95 as anticipated, and I can get audio out of the front port. Added a couple of 600Ω audio transformers for isolation and I can TX #aprs packets at a whopping 25W!
However, RX audio levels are very low. #direwolf can hear stuff sent from my HT, with volume at max, remote packets not decoding at all.
LM386 module is on the way from eBay to bring up the input to the PC, hopefully without frying my sound card.
#direwolf #aprs #Retevis #anytone
Anytone format csv files exported from https://RepeaterBook.com all have the talkaround column set to “On” which makes them simplex in the radio. Not sure why this is but the fix is to set that column to”Off” before importing into the cps. #anytone #wtf #amateurradio
Has anyone figured out how to make a data cable for the #anytone AT-778UV?
The handset has both a speaker and mic, so it should be able to pipe audio out to a TNC... But the pinout in the manual doesn't show it and I can't find anything online.
Asking before I take a screwdriver to mine 🤔
Well tonight I have been working on my Anytone D878UV cleaning up part my codeplug and upgrading the firmware to version 3.00. Still waiting for #Anytone to add +9.5 & +10.5 timezones 😿
nouveau transceiver en test dans le mobile #hamradio #radioamateur #anytone #aprs F4EED-10
#aprs #anytone #radioamateur #hamradio