Really interesting reflections from Ziying Meng at #ANZCA2022 discussing the challenges & opportunities studying cross-platform & cross-cultural content creators during a pandemic. EG, Zoom makes capturing certain material easier; no travel makes building trust harder.
Big Friday today! Just kicked off now with a virtual presentation to #anzca2022 on our Australian election monitoring research.
Soon we will be joined by the winners of our recently held #adms dark ads hackathon, and head over to see the crew at ABC storylab.
The team will also present their work to the public with @hackshackers at 5:30pm at ABC Southbank, come along if you are around!
Then at 9pm I'm going to be zooming with Wouter van Atteveldt's team at the Free University of Amsterdam.
It was great to present "Shoeboxes, Chandeliers, and Screenshares: How players appropriated material and digital technologies for distanced boardgame play during the COVID-19 pandemic" at #ANZCA2022 today - work from a #UniMelb internal grant looking at hybrid distanced play. Huge thanks to Lucy Sparrow who led the analysis on this data.
Thanks to all the survey participants who told us about how they used tech to help them play games with absent friends! Some amazing setups.
Turns out privacy is incredibly complicated! Great @digitalchild paper by Anna Bunn, Gavin Duffy & Andy Zhao looking at this privacy landscape with children in mind, finding lots of gaps/work needed! Systematising this matters to enable future work! #ANZCA2022
Great talk by Karley Beckman and Tiffani Apps about their @digitalchild work looking at the public social media presence and sharing practices of schools, including findings on who is made most visible, in which ways, and how visible is visible (eg names?). #ANZCA2022
I will be presenting in the Communication, Authenticity and Trauma session after lunch. There was a different abstract against my name in the program (for an excellent paper that I'd love to see) but I'll be presenting on below. Hope to see you there #ANZCA2022
Kicking off our @digitalchild panel at #ANZCA2022, Rebecca Ng and Sue Bennett introduce the overarching framework of the Datafiction Machine.
Will be virtually joining my @digitalchild colleagues shortly at #ANZCA2022 to give my talk "Unboxing Data and Privacy via Young Children’s Wearables".
Slides are online for anyone interested:
A new day of #ANZCA2022 and Amanda Lotz charts the changes to the TV industry
Great #ANZCA2022 talk by Jane Mavoa & Jenny Kennedy looking at Robux and other in-game currency systems as integrated in to everyday family routines, from (just) rewards, but also as part of everyday routines, and part of initial financial literacy for young people.
Fascinating #ANZCA2022 paper by Tanya Notley & Jasbeer Musthafa Mamalipurath which found Smart TVs were important digital inclusion devices for low-income families in Western Sydney (Australia), with YouTube being the quintessential service used by all.
(Interesting, too, despite appropriately aged children in some families, none used YouTube Kids.)
Focusing on digital imaginaries of 5G in the South Pacific, Heather Horst & Robert Foster ask what the technologies are envisaged to mean for those who've not yet got access (& those who have), from corporate future-enabling rhetoric to dystopian COVID-19 anti-5G sentiment. #ANZCA2022
In '5G for Citizens of the Rest-of-the-World: At the Crossroads of Contemporary Global Media Policy' by Gerard Goggin and Eduardo Villanueva-Mansilla at #ANZCA2022 uses case studies to show the uneven, inequitable & different shapes of 5G & other mobile connectivity rollout across the globe. Peru and Indonesia make fascinating and incredibly different snapshots in terms of 5G and mobile connectivity in general!
Important #ANZCA2022 paper by Amber Marshall looking at the continued rural/metro divide in Australian internet access despite claims of 100% NBN coverage. Mobile is patchy, largely metro-focused rollout of 4G and even less 5G (with NO 5G plan for the NT at all)! Significant inequities persist.
Great talk by Rowan Wilken with @jamesmeese and Catherine Middleton at #ANZCA2022 about the policy challenges of implementing 5G, including contradictions between edge computing and Net Neutrality; and the politics around tower sharing.
So loving the Lev Manovich's reflections on the relationship between text and image in new media art.
I just took key words from my conference presentation to try one of the image generators. My research through the lens of a specific dataset... #ANZCA2022
The copy and paste culture of the generator communities replicates all of human culture. Fascinating insight into the norms and values of these communities for Lev Manovich at #ANZCA2022
Who else is heading to #ANZCA2022?
One flight cancellation already, thanks Virign. Now waiting for new Qantas flight