As I'm more and more leaving the blue bird, I also want to move some posts over here that were some of my highlights. As I do everything in English here, I'll also translate them if they were in German.
Let's start:
"I participated in the #aoc2021 this year. There were definitely interesting and challenging tasks! I can now write Python garbage code better. Additionally, I apparently did pretty well on the #JKU leaderboard 😁 "
@hacktopus Professionally, I write in Java, C#, TypeScript and C++. Quite an eclectic mix.
Last year, I used Rust for #aoc2021 ... like this year it was a brand new language for me.
Good luck with Perl!
A half decent self referential struct implementation is way too much work in rust.
Map of edge tags it is, then #aoc2021
Does this mean that people get that soluion in 2 minutes ?!? 🤯
I take longer just for reading and understanding the task. How do they do that?
#AdventOfCode #aoc2021
@janci For #aoc2021 I use a mix of #Python, #awk and #Golang. awk mainly for quick filtering and transformations, Python b/c that's what I'm thinking in and Golang mainly because I want to get more fluent in it. This challenge was a bit tricky for me too to figure out the directions of the vectors. I solved it by calculating the absolute distance first and then always start from the leftmost point and decide if I have to go up or down. Happy Coding.
programming is freakin hard
Who's joining Advent of Code this year?
🔁 ✅
Side note: Poll is set to 7 days, so a closing notification can serve as a reminder before or on December 1st. (At least here on Mastodon.)
#adventofcode #aoc #aoc2021 #pollsarefun #adventofcode2021