My final example of optimising #Haskell solutions to Advent of Code.
This time, I get a 168 times speedup! The time went from over 15 minutes to 6 seconds. This was mostly changing representation, but also had a factor of two from low-level optimisation.
#Programming #Coding #Optimisation #Optimization #Haskell #AdventOfCode #AoC #Aoc2022
#haskell #programming #coding #optimisation #optimization #adventofcode #aoc #aoc2022
Another example of optimising some code in #Haskell , using an Advent of Code puzzle as the base.
This example is more about changing the problem represenation than it is about optimising the code directly.
#Programming #Coding #Optimisation #Optimization #Haskell #AdventOfCode #AoC #Aoc2022
#haskell #programming #coding #optimisation #optimization #adventofcode #aoc #aoc2022
@colin_mcmillen est en phase larvaire depuis plusieurs semaines, après avoir décidé de faire #aoc2022 sur son Apple \\c.
Je suis devenue la version légèrment plus cool de Redditor's Wife : Rétrohacker's Wife
So, I’m trying to solve the #AoC2022 problems in Python so I’m sort of “prepared” for $newJob and it’s been tough, I feel dumb. 😅
@akastwit 그쵸 제가 제일 놀란 건 #AoC2022 25일간 매일 다른 언어로 푸신 분. 절반 이상이 써 본 적도 없었던 언어래요
Stuck at #aoc2022 day 15 part two. Do I really need to implement an interval spanning tree?
I just completed all 25 days of Advent of Code 2022! #AdventOfCode
Merry Xmas!
#AoC2022 설문 조사 결과
새로운 언어를 배우려고 참가했다는 사람들이 사분의 일이나 되네. 난 쓰던 언어로도 간신히 풀고 있는데, 대단하신 분들… 그래도 #neovim 쓰는 걸 익혔으니 만족해. 이제 생산성이 VS Code 쓰던 때랑 비슷하게 나오는 것 같아
#AoC2022 Solution to the shortest path in a blizzard problem of #AdventOfCode Day 24
Merry Xmas 🎄
I was doing #AoC2022 but stopped on day 12 because ultimately I realised I wasn't actually having fun doing it and had made it into a self-imposed obligation. I don't need to prove anything to myself or anyone and life has scarce enough free time for fun as it is without me forcing myself to burn even more of it on something I don't even want to do anymore. Feel so much better that I realised I'm allowed to stop doing things I don't enjoy anymore.
Ptêt mon dernier spam #AOC2022, c'est trop près de Noël pour continuer sauf si c'est super facile demain !
Eh beh le jour 21 de l'#aoc2022 il m'a donné du fil à retordre mais j'ai fini par m'en sortir en utilisant la disquette pour stocker l'array, de manière à pouvoir configurer 24kB de stack pour récurser paisiblement.
The Advent of Cyber on TryHackMe has been such a great broad, exposure to so many aspects of cybersecurity.
It's also been a treasure trove of people to follow from which to learn more.
As a career changer I'm absolutely blown away by how much and how easily information about the field is given freely by people already in it.
#aoc2022 #careerchange #tryhackme #adventofcyber2022
The Advent of Cyber on TryHackMe has been such a great broad, exposure to so many aspects of cybersecurity.
It's also been a treasure trove of people to follow from which to learn more.
As a career changer I'm absolutely blown away by how much and how easily information about the field is given freely by people already in it.
#aoc2022 #careerchange #tryhackme #adventofcyber2022
Ich glaub ich lasse #AoC2022 für dieses Jahr voll ruhen. Hab nicht wirklich die Nerven um mich da reinzufuchsen und muss mich ja auch nicht selber damit stressen.
Ich glaub ich lasse #AoC2022 für dieses Jahr voll ruhen. Hab nicht wirklich die Nerven um mich da reinzufuchsen und muss mich ja auch nicht selber damit stressen.