Twice in the last five minutes my @privacybrowser has run into websites displaying a banner "This site works best with #Javascript enabled." Of course, the sites didn't work AT ALL with Javascript deactivated.
Ironically, one site had been redone by a firm specializing in #Accessibilty for conformance with #AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) and #WCAG standards. You'd think they'd use language like "activated" and "deactivated" for software instead of "en/disabled".
#javascript #accessibilty #aoda #wcag
I guess now that I'm figuring out this platform I should do an #introduction
I'm a #pagan #witch and #druid who just married my husband, @CaptainSharky, late last year. We also have two rescue #cats. My pronouns are she/her and I have a #history degree and work as a substitute teacher. I'm also a #barbershop #chorus singer (though I'm on break from that right now) and a #501st volunteer costumer.
My spouse and I regularly attend conventions and enjoy #anime #cosplay #videogames #gaming #boardgames #dnd #jeeping #hiking and #zumba. I also enjoy #manhwa #manga #reading #curlyhair care and #weightlifting. I'm also a #furry!
I consider myself a #gaulishpolytheist, French-American Folk Practitioner, and #cottagewitch. I'm an #AODA (Ancient Order of Druids in America) Candidate, a #GCC (Gnostic Celtic Church) Novitiate, and an #ADF (A Druid Fellowship) member.
#witchcraft #folkwitch #frenchfolkwitch #paganism #druidry #teaching #education #costuming #colorado
#introduction #Pagan #witch #druid #cats #history #barbershop #chorus #501st #anime #cosplay #videogames #gaming #boardgames #dnd #jeeping #hiking #zumba #manhwa #manga #reading #curlyhair #weightlifting #furry #gaulishpolytheist #cottagewitch #aoda #gcc #adf #witchcraft #folkwitch #frenchfolkwitch #paganism #druidry #teaching #education #costuming #colorado
The primary goal of #AODA compliance is to provide equitable access to all Ontarians, including the disabled population. This guide will show you the AODA website compliance standards in #Ontario.
#AODACompliance #CanadianLaws #Accessibility
#aoda #ontario #aodacompliance #canadianlaws #accessibility
All companies that operate in the province of #Ontario are required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) to make their website or application accessible. In this article, you will get to know about the AODA website compliance checklist.
#AODACompliance #AODA #AccessibilityTesting
#ontario #aodacompliance #aoda #accessibilitytesting
By #2025, Ontario is to be completely accessible, according to the AODA. All businesses covered by the #AODA must adhere strictly to accessibility regulations that can meet the unique needs of Canadians with disabilities. Learn more about AODA compliance in #Canada by reading this article.
#aoda #canada #aodacompliance #aodastandards #accessibilitytesting
Former Ontario lieutenant-governor David Onley dead at 72 | Globalnews #J2DW #DavidOnly #OntarioLtGovernor #Disabilities #Advocates #ForTheWin #AODA #onpoli @onpoli
#j2dw #davidonly #ontarioltgovernor #disabilities #advocates #forthewin #aoda #onpoli
Former Ontario lieutenant-governor David Onley dead at 72 | Globalnews #J2DW #DavidOnly #OntarioLtGovernor #Disabilities #Advocates #ForTheWin #AODA #onpoli #snrtg
#j2dw #davidonly #ontarioltgovernor #disabilities #advocates #forthewin #aoda #onpoli #snrtg
David Onley leaves a memorable legacy of advocacy #DAvidOnley #Disabilities #AODA #LtGovOnt #TheaKurdi #Citytv #onpoli @onpoli @ontariogreens
#davidonley #disabilities #aoda #ltgovont #theakurdi #Citytv #onpoli
Join me, and other accessibility professionals at The Design + Accessibility Summit. I am doing one session on an accessible word content and another on user testing using a screen reader. #aoda #CRPD
Ontario election framed as most important in the last 2 decades for those with disabilities: advocate | CityNews Toronto #onelxn #AODA #elxn43 #Disabilities #onpoli
#onelxn #aoda #elxn43 #disabilities #onpoli
Welp, if this compares to the other #a11yTO events then I will be driving up there October 26.
#a11yTO is thrilled to announce a new addition to our calendar of events ... #a11yIRL: Accessibility In Real Life! A conference for, and about, built accessibility!
Saturday, October 26, 2019
More info:
#Toronto #a11y #AODA #accessibility
#a11yirl #a11yto #toronto #a11y #aoda #accessibility