#AgeOfEmpires 3 Definitive Edition just went #FreeToPlay! It's not the full version but there's a portion of the campaign and you can try out different civs each week.
#AOE3 was a hidden gem if you ask me. A black sheep oftentimes considered to be in the shadows of its predecessor, #AOE2.
I still think aoe2 is objectively better, but aoe3 is still a lot of fun and definitely worth checking out!
I actually liked it more than #AOE4.
#ageofempires #freetoplay #aoe3 #aoe2 #aoe4 #rts #rtsgames #realtimestrategy #games #videogames #f2p
Ever wanted to give Age of Empires 3 a try? Now is your chance as the Definitive Collection is free to claim on #steam
While it's sadly not a native #Linux game, it at least got #platin status on #ProtonDB
#steam #linux #platin #protondb #ageofempires #aoe3
Who needs all the fancy new stuff?
#iBook #powePC #mightyMouse #aoe3
#aoe3 #mightymouse #powepc #ibook
@27twinsister I shall share my ignorance but I had to look up #tokusatsu to get an understanding of what it was.
The last three years, I have been in only one fandom and only recently been having a toe out into the others.
I appreciate you sharing and don't forget to put a link in your profile to your #AOE3 profile or share your fic links!