#rail #Ōtepoti #Aotearora
About 60 or 70 people here 😊 - and what's more maybe ¼ wearing masks👍.(Sad that the latter is 'positive', though)
#Bird Nerds! Aoother dip into the achives of The Bird Emergency #podcast archives, highlighting one of the rarest birds on the planet, from the South Island of #Aotearora #NewZealand I spoke witj Alasdair Burns abot the highly specialised Southern Dotterel #waders #shorebirds #endangeredspecies #birds #ornithology #BirdsOfMastodon #birdemergency #extinctioncrisis #biodiversity #wildoz #ecology #rarebirds https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thebirdemergency/The_Southern_Dotterel_with_Alasdair_Burns.mp3
#bird #podcast #aotearora #newzealand #waders #shorebirds #endangeredspecies #birds #ornithology #birdsofmastodon #birdemergency #ExtinctionCrisis #biodiversity #wildoz #ecology #rarebirds