This is a fun infographic showing how the AP1000, AP300, and eVinci reactors can help with providing energy and reducing carbon emissions.
> We are proud to be signatories of the United Nations 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (CFE) Compact.
Read more from Westinghouse Nuclear:
#CarbonFree #Energy #CFE
#Environment #Social #Governance #ESG
#WestinghouseNuclear #AP1000 #AP300 #eVinci
#greennucleardeal #atomicenergy #nuclearenergy #carbonfree #energy #cfe #environment #social #governance #esg #sustainability #westinghousenuclear #ap1000 #ap300 #evinci
#Westinghouse unveils small modular #nuclearreactor
The Small modular reactor (#SMR), dubbed #AP300 for its planned 300MW capacity, will not use special fuels or liquid metal coolants unlike some other next-generation #nuclear reactors. It will be a smaller version of its #AP1000 reactor, several of which are operating in #China, and which are ramping up in Georgia at the Vogtle plant, after years of delay and billions of dollars over budget.
#westinghouse #nuclearreactor #SMR #ap300 #nuclear #ap1000 #China
Small is beautiful! Wishing the dudes at Westinghouse the best of luck. I'll never complain about additional tools in the clean energy toolbox.
RT @WECNuclear
Today Westinghouse launched the AP300™ Small Modular Reactor, the only #SMR based on an operating and advanced nuclear plant, our AP1000® reactor. A 300-MWe PWR, the AP300 SMR is an industry game-changer. Learn more: #SMR2023 #AP300 #nuclearenergy
#smr #smr2023 #ap300 #nuclearenergy