> People who still use "#smartphones"
#smartphones #AllPhonesAreBad #apab #fsf
This sounds like code for, "We have already been doing this for a decade but we just need a veil of legitimacy so the plebs know their place, shut up and go home.
Everyone should know how to make a #FaradayCase for their oversized, "#smartphone" (read: tracking device).
#thereAreNoEthicalSmartPhones #allPhonesAreBad #APAB #faradayBag
#faradaycase #smartphone #therearenoethicalsmartphones #AllPhonesAreBad #apab #faradayBag
Apparently it is news that #AmazonRing and Apple #iPhones are #malware?
Amazon #Ring (but its just a few bad employees targetting #women though):
Dodgy #Apple phones (its just #CIA targetting #Russians, right?)
See gnu.org/malware for more.
#amazonring #iphones #malware #ring #women #apple #cia #russians #spyware #privacy #AllPhonesAreBad #apab
It seems unless one orders something online, or goes abroad to purchase a phone/modem **or computer**, its impossible to obtain a new, #ethical device. By "ethical" it means, easily removeable/#replaceableBattery, a sane (smaller) size (#phones), no #fingerprintScanner hardware, easily flashable with #FOSS firmware.
Imagine if instead of focusing on building nuclear subs, #Australia focused that $370b on ethical devices that protect people from abuses.
#ethical #phones #fingerprintscanner #foss #australia #shopEthical #apab
Sorry for the late response.
The #InviziblePro app sounds like a compelling solution that one can use mobile devices, with the help of friends at #FDroid.
Unfortunately, it seems #Australia don't allow ethical #telephony devices into the country. What we mean when we say that is devices that can easily be flashed with ethical #FOSS firmware. Otherwise it would be a contender.
Today we prescribe to #APAB or #AllPhonesAreBad.
#inviziblepro #fdroid #australia #telephony #foss #apab #AllPhonesAreBad
" OuaisOuaisOuais Le live : Les Conflits De Voisinages + Les Pires Logements, bref ca va être chouette "
#Actu #Féminisme #React #Antiracisme #Insalubrité #PropriétéPrivée #APAB
#actu #feminisme #react #antiracisme #Insalubrite #proprieteprivee #apab
@brucknerite la gramática y la ortografía son marcadores de clase social y una forma de segregar y segmentar. Fuck that. #APAB
Mad Freaks Pride
" Y a des moments où je me dis, oui, peut-être je caricature un peu.
Puis il suffit de titiller un psy ici (hors de son rapport d'autorité donc) pour montrer que oui, ils sont des flics.
C'est bien aimable de leur part. " 2/2
We understand that changing the #MACAddress doesn't work reliably on all devices.
Therefore we just say not to use #WiFi systems that are not trusted.
People that insist on putting their #smartphone in your #freezer when they visit you are salt of the earth.
#smartphone #freezer #saltOfTheEarth #apab #AllPhonesAreBad #handhelds
Researcher does his best to not offend the #technoFeudalists, but we see no errs or umms about it - #GoOGlE IS EVIL.
> "These (…) studies also note the opaque nature of this #dataCollection by Google, with there being no public documentation, use of binary encoded payloads and obfuscated code."
TL/DR: Ggle were doing everything they could to hide.
More of #DougLeith’s studies:
#technoFeudalists #google #datacollection #DougLeith #apab #AllPhonesAreBad
Researcher does his best to not offend the #technoFeudalists, but we see no errs or umms about it - #GoOGlE IS EVIL.
> "These (…) studies also note the opaque
nature of this #dataCollection by Google, with there being no public documentation, use of binary encoded payloads and obfuscated code."
TL/DR: Ggle were doing everything they could to hide.
More of #DougLeith’s studies:
#technoFeudalists #google #datacollection #DougLeith #apab #AllPhonesAreBad
frowning on self-boosting without frowning on self-posting is just more liberal reformism #APAB
Possibly. Or just go without.
Maybe we are only saying this because our choices in Australia are so bad but All Phones are Bad (#APAB).
Richard Stallman on why #CloudFlare sites harm freedom and #humanRights and much more.
Would he go further in his assertions today about the #technoFascist we can't talk about?
#RMS #richardStallman #bernieSanders #education #iPad #iPhone #iMonster #replicant #edwardSnowden #spyTools #APAB #smartPhones #childAbuse #librePlanet #privacy #GNUPG #Tor #libraries
#cloudflare #humanrights #technoFascist #rms #richardstallman #berniesanders #education #ipad #iphone #iMonster #replicant #edwardsnowden #spytools #apab #smartphones #childabuse #libreplanet #privacy #gnupg #tor #libraries
We adopted the phrase, #APAB (All Phones Are Bad) a while back for this (and other) reasons. But they sound like scammers to be honest. Maybe they are not, but they sound very scammer-like.
Acts, quacks, then likely is a scammer.
@pasture @graf@poa.st @grey@poa.st @Marakus@poa.st