Why does so much software try to abuse a configuration language like #yaml for controll flow? I thought we learned that lesson with #ApacheAnt years ago.
Looking at you #ansible, #GithubActions #EveryOtherCiSystem.
#everyothercisystem #githubactions #ansible #apacheant #yaml
#XML is 25 years old.
The tech industry is still trying to extricate itself from that pile of shite. Still got PTSD symptoms from #XHTML and XSLTs
(fun fact: I was also caught in the hype and built my whole website with a homemade static generator that used #XSLTs and #ApacheAnt)
"jarFinder - solve classpath problems quickly" (I do not know to what extent that was true. 😉 )
This reminds me now also of #ApacheAnt .