Hach, gerade wieder über meine frühere Arbeit gestoßen zu CPIO. #feelinggreat #apachecommons
Data science & Groovy using #ApacheBeam #ApacheCamel #ApacheCommons @ApacheGroovy #ApacheIgnite #ApacheMXNet #ApacheOpennlp #ApacheSpark #ApacheWayang #Datumbox #deepjavalibrary #DeepNetts #EclipseDL4J #graalvm #gradle #stanfordnlp #TensorFlow #Tribuo #smile #tablesaw #opencsv
Covers data manipulation, regression, clustering, classification, natural language processing & object detection #jsr381 #visrec #ai #ml #groovylang #neuralnets #deeplearning
#apachebeam #apachecamel #apachecommons #apacheignite #apachemxnet #apacheopennlp #apachespark #apachewayang #datumbox #deepjavalibrary #deepnetts #eclipsedl4j #graalvm #gradle #stanfordnlp #tensorflow #tribuo #smile #tablesaw #opencsv #jsr381 #visrec #ai #ml #groovylang #neuralnets #deeplearning
Data science & Groovy using #ApacheBeam #ApacheCamel #ApacheCommons @ApacheGroovy #ApacheIgnite #ApacheMXNet #ApacheOpennlp #ApacheSpark #ApacheWayang #Datumbox #deepjavalibrary #DeepNetts #EclipseDL4J #graalvm #gradle #stanfordnlp #TensorFlow #Tribuo #smile #tablesaw #opencsv
Covers data manipulation, regression, clustering, classification, natural language processing & object detection #jsr381 #visrec #ai #ml #groovylang #neuralnets #deeplearning
#apachebeam #apachecamel #apachecommons #apacheignite #apachemxnet #apacheopennlp #apachespark #apachewayang #datumbox #deepjavalibrary #deepnetts #eclipsedl4j #graalvm #gradle #stanfordnlp #tensorflow #tribuo #smile #tablesaw #opencsv #jsr381 #visrec #ai #ml #groovylang #neuralnets #deeplearning
Solved day 4 of #adventofcode2022 #adventofcode https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/4
I was too lazy. Used #apachecommons. Not sure if #java >8 already has range checks included.
If you have problems solving this exercise, check out the image
My #github repo: https://github.com/jeffreygroneberg/AoC22/blob/main/src/main/java/day04/CampCleanup.java
#AdventOfCode2022 #adventofcode #apachecommons #java #github #aoc22 #aoc
Apache “Commons Configuration” toolkit patches Log4Shell-like bug - It's a bit like Log4J, but for configuration files, not for logging. https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2022/07/08/apache-commons-configuration-toolkit-patches-log4shell-like-bug/ #cve-2022-33980 #vulnerability #apachecommons
#apachecommons #vulnerability #cve