I suggested ( and others did too ) that the Apache Foundation have it's own fediverse presence ( run by the foundation, with confirmed @apache.org mail users ) for projects and users, but they did not go for it.
But, I'm glad to see @ASFMavenProject here on @fosstodon none the less!
#theASF #apachefoundation #apachemaven
Looks like the #ApacheMaven maven-dependency-plugin might need an update as well: analyze-goals of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.5.0:analyze-only failed: Unsupported class file major version 64
Neat -- a new #ConventionalCommit versioning policy plugin for newly release #ApacheMaven maven-release-plugin 3.0.0 that just dropped (note the lack of a -M milestone qualifier!!).
This looks kinda cool.
#conventionalcommit #apachemaven
We are looking forward to meeting the @ASFMavenProject crowd in-person at @JavaLandConf
Bring your questions and ideas to the BOF - let's start the discussion 🦉
RT @XDEVSoftware
Coming up: @RichardFichtner and @khmarbaise will be hosting a BoF session on #ApacheMaven 4 at #JavaLand 2023! Will you be there?
#Java @JavaLandConf
Quem diria que o site de dependências do Apache Maven ia recomendar livros maneiríssimos sobre as bibliotecas que eu tô procurando? Dica top! 🚀 #ApacheMaven #Bibliotecas #DevLife
#apachemaven #bibliotecas #devlife
RT @olamy
just saying @ASFMavenProject 3.9.0 is out and it's now possible to use the Maven Build cache extension https://maven.apache.org/extensions/maven-build-cache-extension/getting-started.html and yeah it rocks fast!!! and for free!! #Maven #ApacheMaven
Zoinks! What’s this? A blog post? The newly released #ApacheMaven 3.9.0 merged/enabled support for “splitting local repositories” - teasing apart that giant horrible ~/.m2/repository into cached downloads, locally installed releases, and most importantly - snapshots.
But it’s not without some issues (mostly old shaded versions of Eclipse Aether):
#apachemaven #java #builds #continuousintegration #featurebranches
Did you know the new Maven Build Cache Extension of #Maven 4 can improve the build performance and experience? Although the Maven 4 isn't production released yet, check out this post for how you can get started on trying it.
#maven #apachemaven #newblogpost
#ApacheMaven mvnd is getting ready for v1.0.0 release and looks like it is being shipped with the latest Maven 4 prerelease version. See more here - https://github.com/apache/maven-mvnd/releases/tag/1.0.0-m1
This is a Maven Build extension now! It simplifies the configuration and makes version management more streamlined. See: https://github.com/manikmagar/git-versioner-maven-plugin#how-to-configure. No more manual version management, release plugin in Maven POM!
Stuff is happening with #ApacheMaven here: https://maven.apache.org/ref/4-LATEST/ Looks like version 4.0 is at alpha 3 now.