It was without #Musk, that is the very thing that makes them better.
Kinda like the the @fsf would be better without #RMS permanently...
Like for real, do you know how much #BrainDrain #ApartheitEmeraldBoy / # SpaceKaren and fuzzy-bearded pedo-apologist create each day?
#apartheitemeraldboy #braindrain #RMS #Musk
@AnarchoNinaWrites *nodds in agreement*
Being a #Neonazi or any kind of #Facist - not just #Christofacist - must be unaffordable even for #billionaries like the #ApartheitEmeraldBoy & #SpaceKaren aka. :birdsite: :twitter: destroying #MuskRat!
And with "unaffordable" I mean fash like him will be kicked out of every building with guns drawn at them and the only buildings letting them in and services serving them are the only ones legally forced to do so.
#muskrat #SpaceKaren #apartheitemeraldboy #billionaries #christofacist #facist #neonazi
@hkrn Simple:
NEVER EVER USE #centralized & #proprietary, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider platforms and -Services!!!
If #Microsoft were to buy @nextcloud, people would do the same as happened with #OpenOffice into @libreoffice and fork it.
#TechBros like #ApartheitEmeraldBoy & #SpaceKaren #Musk can only buy shit - they are incapable of creating and the #MuskRat never even wrote a single line of #code for #SpaceX nor turned a single screw on a #Tesla...
#Tesla #SpaceX #Code #muskrat #Musk #SpaceKaren #apartheitemeraldboy #techbros #OpenOffice #Microsoft #SingleProvider #singlevendor #proprietary #centralized
@Mathemagician Ist aber halt #UnbequemeWahrheit #ApartheitEmeraldBoy & SpaceKaren hat #Twitter nur gekauft um sein persönliches #Ego zu flexen und als #Rache da seine Ex ihn verlassen und nun glücklich mit einer Trans Frau zusammenlebt...
#Rache #ego #Twitter #apartheitemeraldboy #unbequemeWahrheit