Visiting @EnergiaEDP in Soto de Ribera - transformation of coal-fired power plant to green battery hub
In 2020 unions, employers & Spanish government negotiated a thermal power phase out agreement which has framed the #justtransition for workers #apd2022 @Energy4Europe
RT @JokinFerreira: ¡Nada sobre nosotrxs, sin nosotrxs! Llevando la visión de #JustTransition de @industriAll_EU al diálogo #APD2022 @Energy4Europe #coalregions en Oviedo
#JustTransition #apd2022 #coalregions
Nothing about us, without us!
Bringing @industriAll_EU’s #JustTransition view to #APD2022 @Energy4Europe #coalregions dialogue in Oviedo
#JustTransition #apd2022 #coalregions
RT @Jude_KD: #JustTransition must be integrated into climate strategies from the start not as an afterthought with dialogue at every stage, states @lauramm_SL - exactly as @industriAll_EU argues, this is about anticipation of change not just reacting to change #apd2022 @Energy4Europe
RT @Energy4Europe: We started off the #APD2022 with a forward-looking message from the perspective of Asturias, its economy and its green future. Join us live here ➡️
We started off the #APD2022 with a forward-looking message from the perspective of Asturias, its economy and its green future. Join us live here ➡️
#JustTransition must be integrated into climate strategies from the start not as an afterthought with dialogue at every stage, states @lauramm_SL - exactly as @industriAll_EU argues, this is about anticipation of change not just reacting to change #apd2022 @Energy4Europe
Hearing from Ukrainian civic leaders within #coalregions network #JustTransition #apd2022
#coalregions #JustTransition #apd2022
Followed by Spanish Minister for Ecological Transition Theresa Ribera setting out vital importance of placing workers at centre of #JustTransition & regional transformation as proposed for Asturias @Energy4Europe #apd2022