Offering a $75,000 hiring bonus for new officers has started to turn around Alameda Police's staffing shortage. Anabel Sosa of CalMatters explains how it's making it more difficult for other departments to hire.
#alameda #AlamedaPolice #apd #ApdChiefNishantJoshi #HiringBonus #staffing
#alameda #alamedapolice #apd #apdchiefnishantjoshi #hiringbonus #staffing
In a ceremony at City Hall, APD honored new hires, including three new officers, celebrated Tysen Siebert's promotion to sergeant, and recognized other outstanding employees. Adam Gillitt reports back from the commemorative event held Tuesday at City Hall.
#alameda #apd #ApdChiefNishantJoshi #CaptainJeffreyEmmitt #CityHall #JobOpening #NewHires #SergeantTysenSiebert #staffing
#alameda #apd #apdchiefnishantjoshi #captainjeffreyemmitt #CityHall #jobopening #newhires #sergeanttysensiebert #staffing
Meet Dr. Holly Joshi, a nationally recognized expert on gender-based violence prevention and intervention. C. J. Hirschfield has the details of Dr. Joshi's remarkable career.
#apd #opd #glide #missey #alameda #DrHollyJoshi #SocialJustice #StMarySCollege #HumanTrafficking #TheWisdomOfTrauma #SexualExploitation #ApdChiefNishantJoshi
#apd #opd #glide #missey #alameda #drhollyjoshi #SocialJustice #stmaryscollege #humantrafficking #thewisdomoftrauma #sexualexploitation #apdchiefnishantjoshi
Did you see him? Comandante DiGregorio of Varazze, Italy, one of Alameda’s sister cities, visited recently and participated in the 4th of July Parade.
#apd #parade #alameda #JulyFourth #SisterCities #AfdChiefNickLuby #AlpicellaFamilyClub #MarilynEzzyAshcraft #ApdChiefNishantJoshi #ComandanteMauroDiGregorio #AlamedaSisterCityAssociation #InternationalPoliceAssociation #NationalLatinoPeaceOfficersAssociation
#apd #Parade #alameda #julyfourth #sistercities #afdchiefnickluby #alpicellafamilyclub #marilynezzyashcraft #apdchiefnishantjoshi #comandantemaurodigregorio #alamedasistercityassociation #internationalpoliceassociation #nationallatinopeaceofficersassociation
Members of the Alameda Police Department, led by Chief Nishant Joshi, will carry the “Flame of Hope” through the City of Alameda in support of Northern California Special Olympic Athletes. This year, APD has already raised more than $1,500 to support 14 athletes for a whole sports season.
#apd #sports #alameda #ApdChiefNishantJoshi #SpecialOlympicsNorthernCalifornia #NorthernCaliforniaSLawEnforcementTorchRun
#apd #sports #alameda #apdchiefnishantjoshi #specialolympicsnortherncalifornia #northerncaliforniaslawenforcementtorchrun
Alameda Police Chief Nishant Joshi aims for Alameda to be the "safest city in Alameda County” and is using data-driven policing to get there. Adam Gillitt interviews Chief Joshi to learn more about this shift in preventing and solving crime.
#apd #data #theft #alameda #reports #CarTheft #CompStat #heatmaps #AlamedaPolice #DataDrivenPolicing #CatalyticConverters #ApdChiefNishantJoshi #AutomatedLicensePlateReader Photo by Maurice Ramirez.
#apd #data #theft #alameda #reports #cartheft #compstat #heatmaps #alamedapolice #datadrivenpolicing #catalyticconverters #apdchiefnishantjoshi #automatedlicenseplatereader