Biden to host Indonesia's Jokowi in November: White House
> "President Biden looks forward to welcoming President Widodo to Washington for a bilateral meeting at the White House this November, and also looks forward to welcoming President Widodo to San Francisco for APEC Economic Leaders' Week."
The White House did not give specific dates for Widodo's visit. The #APEC meeting is scheduled for Nov. 12 to Nov. 18 #Indonesia #southeastasia #tootsea
#tootsea #southeastasia #indonesia #apec
NEW: Some of the most visible signs of the city’s failure to address extreme poverty and addiction persist in UN Plaza, the Civic Center and the Tenderloin neighborhoods. With major events coming to San Francisco, the city is working to reduce visible homelessness and drug use in these areas before guests start to arrive.
#sanfrancisco #apec #sanfrancisconews #homelessness #drugs
【韓国旅行 釜山】絶景スポット ヌリマルAPECハウス 女ひとり旅30
#APEC #sunshinechannel #サンシャインチャンネル #ヌリマルAPECハウス #女ひとり旅 #広安里 #海雲台 #海雲台ビーチ #絶景スポット #釜山 #韓国旅行
#apec #sunshinechannel #サンシャインチャンネル #ヌリマルapecハウス #女ひとり旅 #広安里 #海雲台 #海雲台ビーチ #絶景スポット #釜山 #韓国旅行
Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) @IEEC_space
📣Nova #ofertafeina a l’#IEEC
▶️ Tècnic/a de suport a les activitats de Talent i Societat a l’Àrea de Promoció del Sector #Espacial de Catalunya (#APEC)
📆 Termini de recepció de candidatures: 19 de juliol
👉 Més informació:…
#ofertafeina #ieec #espacial #apec
#APEC 外交部汪文斌:東道主有責任確保成員順利參會 相關報導: ▌美國擬邀請受制裁李家超出席APEC會議 跨黨議員聯署促禁止
#APEC 外交部汪文斌:東道主有責任確保成員順利參會
▌美國擬邀請受制裁李家超出席APEC會議 跨黨議員聯署促禁止
美跨黨派議員去信國務院 反對邀李家超出席APEC
#Uncategorized #國際 #港聞 #apec
#China Commerce Ministry confirms Minister Wang Wentao will attend #APEC and meet in US with both @SecRaimondo, @AmbassadorTai. On May 25 and 26, Wang will discuss China trade issues, US econ/trade ties, issues of mutual concern with US, state media say.
#PennyWong nominated #Labor’s “greatest statespeople” as #JohnCurtin, #DocEvatt. #GoughWhitlam. 13 ys of #Hawke-#Keating engagement with #Asia, from #APEC forum to the #Cambodian peace process, was seemingly erased in that statement – whether by accident or design.
#pennywong #labor #johncurtin #docevatt #GoughWhitlam #hawke #keating #asia #apec #cambodian
OstasienChinas wachsender Einfluß in Thailand #Washington #Chinatown #Thailand #Ausland #Bangkok #Peking #China #APEC
#apec #china #peking #bangkok #ausland #thailand #chinatown #washington
THINK TANK: Chinese #greentech takes on Europe, #friendshoring perils, #APEC
This week are the summaries of reports published by the Hinrich Foundation and the Center for Strategic and International Studies
Summaries by Maia Wilson 👇
#greentech #friendshoring #apec
Taktyczna pauza wobec Zachodu: chińska gra nadziejami na pokój
Xi Jinping podjął szeroko zakrojoną kampanię dyplomatyczną, aby zapobiec niekontrolowanemu rozpadowi relacji z Zachodem. Należy ją uznać za doraźny sukces. Udało się to dzięki instrumentalnemu wykorzystaniu przez Pekin nadziei Zachodu na uzyskanie sprzeciwu Chin wobec użycia broni masowego rażenia oraz wiary w ich wolę mediacji w sprawie pokoju na Ukrainie. #ChRL #Chiny #dyplomacja #Ukraina #USA #Zachód #Rosja #Niemcy #UE #Francja #WMD #pokój #G20 #APEC #POLECANE
#ChRL #chiny #dyplomacja #ukraina #usa #zachod #rosja #niemcy #ue #francja #wmd #pokoj #g20 #apec #polecane
UH #Geography and #Environment PhD students Dalilah Laidin and Foley Pfalzfraf spoke on a student panel at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Informal Senior Officials' Meeting symposium, held in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi at the East West Center on December 7, 2022.
@geography #APEC #AsiaPacific #Hawaii
#geography #environment #apec #asiapacific #hawaii
This week's issue includes reporting on how #India's richest corporation #Adani is trying to silence journalists.
Protests in #Thailand against #APEC
And a powerful story in @restofworld about electric vehicles, minerals and deforestation in Indonesia.
#Journalists take police to court for attacking media covering #APEC crackdown
#journalists #apec #coconutsbangkok
CULTURA| Innovadora Constanza Levicán y su experiencia en la #APEC: "La idea es que participen más empresarios que realizan tecnología"
ASIA TRADE: What has Asia’s trade summit season delivered?
Deborah Elms from the Asian Trade Centre covers everything you need to know below 👇