The Ape Man (1943)
A crazed scientist accidentally turns himself into a half ape, half human creature, and scrambles to find a cure.
Bizarre little film. Pretty generic for the time, scientist needs chemicals from people to change/cure, etc. but the weird choice to have the “author” play a role in the story… What was up with that?!
#belalugosi #apeman #horror #povertyrow #moviereview
A little aside picture to my human evolution chart. Several people suggested the idea of pairing the prehistoric ladies up with a modern guy, which I found an appealing idea. I wanted to give it an old-fashioned pulp feel.
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman #prehistory #original #furry #evolution #science
Seems my Human Evolution picture was so large, it's compressed into illegibility by the board. Let me break it down into its constituents.
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#prehistory #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman #original #furry #evolution
Seems my Human Evolution picture was so large, it's compressed into illegibility by the board. Let me break it down into its constituents.
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
Seems my Human Evolution picture was so large, it's compressed into illegibility by the board. Let me break it down into its constituents.
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #original #furry #apeman #cavewoman
Seems my Human Evolution picture was so large, it's compressed into illegibility by the board. Let me break it down into its constituents.
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#prehistory #evolution #apeman #original #furry #science #TheDescentOfMan #cavewoman
Seems my Human Evolution picture was so large, it's compressed into illegibility by the board. Let me break it down into its constituents.
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
Seems my Human Evolution picture was so large, it's compressed into illegibility by the board. Let me break it down into its constituents.
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
Seems my Human Evolution picture was so large, it's compressed into illegibility by the board. Let me break it down into its constituents.
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#cavewoman #original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman
Seems my Human Evolution picture was so large, it's compressed into illegibility by the board. Let me break it down into its constituents.
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#furry #cavewoman #apeman #science #evolution #original #prehistory #TheDescentOfMan
It's another update to the human evolution picture, and I suspect this one will be the last one for a while, since I've now covered pretty much everything.
Also in this context, a friendly reminder: our species has perhaps not been doing so well this year, but we have survived a lot. A LOT!
#original #furry #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #apeman #cavewoman
#original #prehistory #evolution #science #TheDescentOfMan #cavewoman #furry #apeman