We made a new puzzle based on the Spectre tile, the aperiodic monotile discovered early this year by @Chaimgoodmanstrauss, @csk, and others. It is a set of 111 tiles with a truchet-style pattern printed on them
#aperiodicmonotile #spectre #tiling #mathart
my spouse @simrob made an enamel earring design based on the #AperiodicMonotile! they are SO GORGEOUS and you definitely want a pair if you are (or know) a math nerd with pierced ears. order here:
A new variation of Hierarchical Colouring #aperiodicmonotile / Image 3 : levels=4, Top MetaT=H, Motif : high F weight.
Previous post description:
I built a colouring of the #aperiodic #monotile using the colour dimension as a map of the sequence of hierarchy levels of each tile (set H,T,P,F). It works recursively: each metatile inherits a value (HiCol) from its parent and transmits a modified HiCol to its children, calculated from the inherited HiCol and from a pre-set own colour. The pre-set values are a parameter vector [H,T,P,F], which can produces many Motifs.
It is an attempt to show at the same time the global and local structure of Metatiles and tiles (hats).
Built by modifying the drawing function in the hatviz SW of @csk (Copyright (c) 2023, Craig S. Kaplan), Fork SW and a page of infos here: https://github.com/santoleonardo/hatviz-HierCol
#monotile #aperiodic #aperiodicmonotile
I should have posted this blog post when I wrote it (just after the einstein news was shared!).
But here it is. This is more about inspiration from the #aperiodicmonotile and how it might motivate us to explore mathematics with students, or recreationally for ourselves.
Featuring a lot of great block images from Hana Murray.
Monotile Coloring sheets (do them as a group, or individually) Create your own!
Here is the post 25 montīslands (monotile islands) that you can color, arrange, code with, or whatever floats your boat.
#montotile, #mtbos #mathart #tiling #aperiodicmonotile #fantasymap #classroomactivity #iteachmath #mapmaking #math
#math #mapmaking #iteachmath #classroomactivity #fantasymap #aperiodicmonotile #tiling #mathart #mtbos #montotile
I love hearing about new discoveries in #mathematics! I don't think this has been peer reviewed yet, but pretty cool if it holds up!
Mathematicians discover #AperiodicMonotile, or "einstein" shape: a shape that can be tessellated such that it never forms a repeating grid. #math #maths https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/apr/03/new-einstein-shape-aperiodic-monotile
#maths #Math #aperiodicmonotile #mathematics
“Is there a shape that can be arranged in a tile formation, interlocking with itself ad infinitum without the resulting pattern repeating over & over again?” The answer is yes! An #AperiodicMonotile or #EinsteinShape has been discovered. Big day for #maths. #MathematiciansDelight
#mathematiciansdelight #maths #einsteinshape #aperiodicmonotile
RT @stecanossa
So: turns out that a circular aperiodic 2D crystal of hats with diameter 300 hats gives this diffraction pattern, and I remain with more questions than answers... but it's definitely a beauty! #aperiodicmonotile #Fouriertransform
#aperiodicmonotile #fouriertransform
Getting on the aperiodic monotile train. To me, they are t-shirts, not hats.
I haven't read anything in-depth about the tiling construction; I found it tricky to take my printed tiles and, well, tile with them.
#aperiodicmonotile #3dprinting