Wer für den 2.ten Sommer ☀️ 🏖️ 😎 in diesem Jahr noch eine Aperitf-Alternative zum Aperol oder Lillet sucht: Wie wär's mal mit #Bergamotte als flüssige Feinkost Grundlage 🍹 um auf eine Mahlzeit einzustimmen?
Ob & wie der Italicus ( = Rosolio di Bergamotto) allein und im 🔥🍷 #Glühwein schmeckt verraten wir euch in unserer 🎙️ Podcast Folge: https://spoti.fi/48bFns7
#gluhweincheck #weihnachtscocktail #aperitif #spirituosenhartetest #italicus #Gluhwein #bergamotte
There's nothing better that a nice #Martini as #aperitivo #aperitif, even better when frozen!
70ml @malfygin lemon gin;
20ml @maisonnoillyprat dry vermouth;
10ml water.
Mix in a bottle and put it in the freezer along with a Martini glass for at least 24h.
Garnish with an olive and sip with utmost satisfaction!
#cocktail #cocktails #mixologist #mixology #homebarista #homebar #drink #drinks #drinkporn #martinidry #frozenmartini
#martini #aperitivo #aperitif #cocktail #cocktails #mixologist #mixology #HomeBarista #homebar #drink #drinks #drinkporn #martinidry #frozenmartini
Als #Aperitif ...
⚽️⚜️ Die „geile Sau“ vom #Bölle. Anführer, Einheizer und Publikumsliebling - #Darmstadt|s Torwart Marcel #Schuhen ist ein wesentlicher Faktor im Aufstiegsrennen der zweiten Bundesliga 🟦⬜️
👉 https://www.fr.de/sport/fussball/marcel-schuhen-die-geile-sau-vom-boelle-92239584.html
@FR #FRDarmstadt #SV98 @sv98 #SVD #Lilien #KSVSVD #geileSau #Auswärtsspiel #Holstein #Kiel
#aperitif #bolle #darmstadt #schuhen #FRDarmstadt #sv98 #svd #lilien #ksvsvd #geilesau #auswartsspiel #Holstein #kiel
Just tried a new alcohol free aperitif called Botivo. (Technically an oxymel, if you fancy a Google.) Had it in a spritz over ice with a wedge of orange.
Verdict: delicious, zingy, herbal, bittersweet.
Suspect it’s UK only for now but happy to be proven wrong on that if anyone knows better.
#alcoholfree #aperitif #spritz #lowno #mindfuldrinking
Friday night, 6pm… sounds about right for a vermouth. Neat, ice, orange wedge, green olive: delicious.
A can of peas
for 280g approximately
4 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
salt and pepper
As it is, this recipe is already a delight. But you can add vegetable cream, soy cream for me. Or half an avocado. Or both.
#Houmous #Dip #Aperitif #Vegan #Vegge #Tartine #Salad #Mezze #Recipe #Recette
#houmous #dip #aperitif #vegan #vegge #tartine #salad #mezze #recipe #recette
"Sun is up", closeup rounded bottom of glass #nonalcohic #aperitif edited using #snapseed #photo #photoedit #photography #foto #fotografie
#nonalcohic #aperitif #snapseed #photo #photoedit #photography #foto #fotografie
Tonight’s #aperitif is basically the old Suntory Grape Bubbleman but now he’s a washed up alcoholic who drinks methylated spirits from a 10l commercial size flagon.
Dernier atelier d'écriture apéro-dinatoire de l'année 🤩
Le vendredi 16 décembre de 18h31 à 21h29 à Grenade (31)
"contraintes" oulipiennes et divers jeux d'écriture, pré-texte à votre imagination, vous attendent autour d'un verre et de délicieuses confections maison pour vous régaler papilles et esprit dans une ambiance chaleureuse et conviviale!
#aperitif #apero #atelier #ecriture #jeu #mots #soiree #aperitifdinatoire #grenade #grenadesurgaronne #toulouse
#toulouse #grenadesurgaronne #grenade #aperitifdinatoire #soiree #mots #jeu #ecriture #atelier #apero #aperitif
Federico Sardi's website Cockteleros includes some fascinating details concerning the #history of Italian and Rioplatense #aperitif and #cocktail culture. It includes biographical details for Elvesio Grassi, author of 1000 Mistures. Here's the link, it is all in Spanish, but your brower may support translation.
@D3ecerra @drtifftaft Here's a great #aperitif #cocktail by #PaulMcGee ...
1.5 oz. #gin
.75 oz. Carpano Antica #vermouth
.5 oz. #Malort
Combine in an old fashioned glass with a giant ice cube. Stir. Garnish with a large orange peel.
#malort #vermouth #gin #paulmcgee #cocktail #aperitif
Das - aus meiner Sicht - beste alkoholfreie Bier (und ich durfte schon viele trinken):
- Schützengarten India Pale Alkoholfrei
Und eine wirklich tolle Apéritif-Variante:
- Martini Floreale Alkoholfrei
Damit kann man schon wirklich gemütliche Stunden verbringen - ganz ohne Kater 😅.
#ilike #apero #ipa #aperitif #bier #drinks #alkoholfrei
L'aperitivo di stasera urla "vacanzeee".
Si chiama "drunk in the August sun" :
Tonight's #aperitivo #aperitif is a reshake from @punch_drink, "drunk in the August sun":
15ml Crema di Cocco
30ml Succo d'Ananas
30ml Velvet Falernum
30ml Fino Sherry
30ml @RumfireJamaica