macOS 14 Sonomaに対応したMac用バックアップユーティリティ「Carbon Copy Cloner v6.1.7」がリリース。File ProviderでMac上にないファイルのダウンロード機能も追加。
#applech2 #apfs #apple_silicon #carbon_copy_cloner #macos_14 #news #sonoma #アップデート
#applech2 #apfs #apple_silicon #carbon_copy_cloner #macos_14 #news #sonoma #アップデート
Well, that was not fun. Had to do a full #bootnnuke on my #Mac, which I hate. Back in the day I never had to do those but they are getting more frequent. Some kind of disk error cropped up, I think it has to do with an #APFS driver by #Paragon software on the #Windows disk. At least I'm back online and running again. I may switch back to #PC at some point though. The quality of #macOS has decreased significantly as they've tired to make the Mac like a big iPad (which also annoys me).
#bootnnuke #mac #apfs #paragon #windows #pc #macos
So far, #iOS has told me via pop-upthat my chosen content shows up in my personal focus mode two times on three pages (so clicking it away takes one tap per page). My focus mode hasn't changed (I was in-app) or been modified. This is in an hour of using the phone. So many #Apple bugs these days :( Yesterday was spent allowing (sigh) an app access to an external drive for every file despite having given it access several times. And permission bits just flip on external SSD with #APFS
Why is #APFS so slow? Am I imagining tar -cf being catastrophically slow on an M1 MacBook Pro?
I understand such a desire/user story, but this is better be done in a different way.
1. This is an _mostly_ undocumented feature of the #MacOS filesystem, so it barely used by MacOS applications.
2. Content metadata should be bound to the file, not to the filesystem, cause otherwise you need all different filesystems to be interoperable (eg Windows #NTFS, MacOS #APFS and something like an #exFAT on your flash drive).
And there is more!
the man had no idea other than to disable the option to use #apfs snapshots which sucks. i will do a backup plan with just an apfs volume and see what's up.
„Last Week on My Mac fsck status 65
If you’ve ever run Disk Utility’s First Aid on an APFS volume, you’ll only be too familiar with status 65. …“
#macos #diskutility #error #apfs
#apfs #error #diskutility #macos
Don’t sweat the small stuff, or the large files…
Good advice on managing MacOS free space on TidBits
“More so than ever before, do not let your boot drive get low on free space. You may be prevented from working until you jump through space-clearing hoops that might be time-consuming and inconvenient.”
Does any one of my followers know of any way to force a permanent snapshot on APFS? `tmutil localsnapshot` is purgeable and would go away. searched in `diskutil apfs` and only found means to delete snapshots, not to create some. Any knowledge around here? #MacOS #APFS @siracusa maybe?
Considering I made this one on my own and it has 0% interesting artwork/thumbnail, I *think* I have the most watched video on youtube about this particular topic. Not bad for a blind guy.
How-to: Format Your SSD as #APFS on #Mac
Heads up #macOS users!! A USB drive on an networked Mac formatted with the new #APFS file system cannot be used as a #TimeMachine backup on #Catalina or below.
#macos #apfs #timemachine #catalina
#Apple's #APFS filesystem specification:
(APFS has replaced previous HFS+ filesystem in macOS)
Apple File System Reference