Being a volunteer with is an honor. Check out my testimony on why!
#publichealth #TwitteRx #patientsafety #healthpolicy #epidemiology #APHA2022 #volunteer
APHA owes its strength to its member volunteers. This International Volunteer Day, check out testimonials from some of our volunteers and tell us why you give your time. #TogetherActNow #IVD2022
#publichealth #TwitteRx #patientsafety #healthpolicy #epidemiology #apha2022 #volunteer #togetheractnow #ivd2022
How are we tracking movement in public health authority? Find out in this blog post, which rounds up all the research we presented at #APHA2022. Lizzy, Katie, & each presented different aspects of public health authority.
Of course #APHA2022 attendees tested positive for #COVID19. While the conference space had a #masking requirement, virtually no one masked in the conference hotel spaces. When I checked into the Westin on Sunday evening, the lobby was full of people, 99% unmasked. #PublicHealth
#apha2022 #COVID19 #masking #publichealth
A multi-national study by in put forth specific actions to develop a global #CovidConsensus on how to address the issues hindering efforts to end to the global threat of COVID-19.
Hand sanitizer, surface cleaners, and "please wear your mask when you're not speaking."
What's up with the fomite transmission prevention hygiene theatre? Is #APHA2022 aware that #COVIDisAirborne and that contagious people produce more virus-carrying aerosols *when they are speaking*?
We skipped those inclusive steps and frankly overstepped. -Dr. Levine #APHA2022
Public health is the poster child of inclusivity and yet in the COVID pandemic, we dictated actions and did not include everyone in the decision making processes (restaurant owners, school parents, educators, business owners, etc). - #APHA2022
Full of gratitude today! Thank you to for a great conference and opportunity to share my research. Many thanks to all who came by to chat and discuss. Many more thanks to my mentor Dr. Arshiya Baig & for making this all possible! 🤍 #APHA2022
Glad that #APHA2022 attendees got to experience the full Boston weather experience. Freakishly warm and horrid humidity followed by cartoonishly powerful wind and now too cold for a light jacket but not cold enough for a heavy one (that no one brought).
Hello! My first post on this platform is coming to you from #APHA2022 - looking forward to seeing everyone!
Where are the two Dunkin’ Donut stores in Boston Convention Center? #APHA2022
Wonderful to participate on a #SUD #HarmReduction #DisabilityLaw panel at #APHA2022 led by two terrific #Sooners:’s &
#sud #harmreduction #disabilitylaw #apha2022 #sooners
Today at #APHA2022 I carried out one of my most time honored conference traditions: Becoming overcaffeinated, getting lost in the convention space, and then fleeing the conference in a typhoon of anxiety.
RT @brookemariebell
Excited to finally share my new commentary! (especially during #COP27 and #APHA2022)👇🏽
🚨The climate crisis is here 🚨: a primer and call to action for public health nutrition researchers and practitioners in high-income countries
It seems really bizarre that the Boston Convention Center doesn't gave a T station. Even LA has that! #apha2022
I wonder if schools that see #APHA2022 as an opportunity to recruit students to MPH programs get that prospective students can see the photos they are posting on social media of their students/staff/faculty unmasked, indoors, at a giant conference with a (apparently not very well enforced) mask mandate.
I didn't go to #APHA22 #APHA2022 because it was obvious from the COVID safety policies they had in place back when proposals were due that limiting transmission and including the perspectives of people with disabilities were not priorities. Fine for me, I have a lot of autonomy about where to share my work and where to learn from expert-and-inclusive communities.
If I had gone to an in-person conference, thinking there would be a certain level of safety, because of the stated policy “all APHA 2022 in-person attendees, exhibitors, speakers, staff and volunteers will be required to wear masks at indoor activities,” and then I learned *after arriving* that speakers are allowed to remove their masks when presenting... I wouldn’t be happy. #APHA22 #APHA2022 #PublicHealth
#publichealth #apha2022 #apha22