Twitter will enable a free tier of API access, but there's a catch
my last shoot-from-the-hip-decision (SFTHD) was met w/ derision? OK, i'll just make another SFTHD. that will fix it, right?
The State of Developer Conferences
"So, I have a theory on what happened to the audience. I’ve shared it with a lot of organizers, who all seem to think
there’s some truth in it." -- Brian Rinaldi
Agent-Based vs. Agentless Security: Which Approach Is Better?
"A look at two strategies for deploying cloud security software along with tips on when each one does or doesn't make sense."
PSA: Twitter’s API changes may make it difficult to log in to your favorite games
"Two extremely popular online games have warned that players who use Twitter to log in may be affected by Twitter’s pending API changes."
PI Day -- API Day (Mar-14) w/ @OReillyMedia
Join me and a host of top experts in software development to better understand the full picture of the API economy.
Reserve your free spot here (seats limited):
#api360 #oreillyonlinelearning
Time to hide your API
"According to the 2022 State of APIs report, 69% of developers said that they expect to use APIs more in 2023 while 25% said that they expect about the same. Only about 6% stated that they expect less or they didn't know."
What Comes After Microservices?
"So, instead of just voting for the demise of microservices and focusing on what comes next, let’s continue to do the work to standardize how we are working today—-ensuring things are more interoperable by default."
#api360 #microservices #kinlane
Securing a dynamic future for APIs and enterprise integration
"One factor contributing to API life cycle management’s central role in defining the future of enterprise integration is that API adoption is skyrocketing in enterprises..."
Meet Claude: Anthropic’s Rival to ChatGPT
"To show how Claude is different, we’ll begin by asking ChatGPT and Claude to introduce themselves with the same prompt."
US Cyber Command, DARPA ink cyberwar R&D pact
"An agreement between US Cyber Command and DARPA aims to move innovative technologies out of the "valley of death" and into the hands of warfighters."
Tim O'Reilly: 'Whole Web' is the OS of the future
"The Web is the future and is built on open source, says Tim O'Reilly, but threatens to gift a chokehold to a few savvy companies like Google." -- Tim O'Reilly, 2010
Correct technical explanation order
"Why most writing explains things in the wrong order..."
How to design out of difficult times
"Companies that embraced the business value of design from 2013 to 2018 had TSR that were 56 percentage points higher than that of their peers"
Balancing Choreography and Orchestration • Bernd Rücker • GOTO 2020
orchestratrion = command-driven
choreography = event-driven
"You need to balance both! It is mostly about responsibility and the direction of decoupling."
API Evolution Without Versioning with Brandon Byars
"Everyone likes the idea of building something new. So much freedom. But what about making changes after you have users? In this episode, Thomas Betts talks with Brandon Byars about how you can evolve your API without versioning"
Choosing the Right Payment Processing API – A Guide For Businesses
"There are many payment platforms out there, each with their own advantages and selling points, but how do you go about picking the right one for your business?"
The Language-Oriented Approach to API Development
"... an approach that encourages people to create their own language for the way they talk about APIs and to capture that language in a DSL. " -- @smizell
How To Deliver Value Through Your API Strategy In 2023 And Beyond
"Enterprises are now at a crossroads for API strategies after having developed APIs ad hoc because they believed just “doing APIs” would enable digital transformation. What comes next is the opportunity to look back at how our API ecosystems are working, iterate and improve, and ultimately unleash real strategic value from API programs."
20 Unsexy Micro-Habits That Save Me 30 Hours Every Week
"efficiency is a skill you need to practice. You won’t just wake up one day and become efficient. No. You need to ask yourself again and again — 'How can I be more efficient?' before it manifests in your life."
Can't Stop Feeling Anxious? Neuroscience Says Your American Brain is to Blame
"Over-analyzing everything is part of our American mind and history. You can fix it."