Bob Downie☑️ · @geomannie
277 followers · 1261 posts · Server

Hi especially any in . I came across a hive of wild bees in the Isle of . These were very dark, almost black. I have a vague memory that black bees are the native strain & quite rare. Is this right? My picture is not great but the best I could do.

#apiarist #apiary #Bute #scotland #beekeepers

Last updated 1 year ago

What was suppose to be a quick morning trip to the blueberry apiary to pick a few buckets of berries and support our local farm turned into a 5 hour slog. It involved them not taking interact, out-of-order ATMs, massive road construction delays, long drive, more road construction delays, 2 trips across a small ferry and back.. But still, worth it to support local food producers. I'm hot and tired now, got nothing else done. Tea time. In future, I think I'm going to just use more cash.

#localfood #CountryLife #SmallFarms #apiary

Last updated 1 year ago

LycanGalen · @LycanGalen
34 followers · 115 posts · Server

It has been very warm this week, causing my to beard on both my hives. I feel bad for the poor buzzers. Fingers crossed it cools down soon. Photo of the beard (hundreds of bees clumped together and dangling like a beard) - not as intense as some beards I've seen, but still remarkable.

#bees #apiary #heatwave

Last updated 1 year ago

Did an inspection on all 4 hives, and a total inspection on my weakest hive this morning with my daughter. I've been a little worried about this one since they didn't seem to be growing as fast as the other spring split. But wow. They are small but just fine. Lovely brood formation with brood in all stages. They are getting on with it.

#beekeeping #apiary #bees #honeybees #homesteading

Last updated 1 year ago

Great beekeeper meeting and lunch yesterday. Always great to talk about nothing but bees for 4 hours. 🐝
A few bee colonies in my area have been observed with amazing behaviour: the workers arriving back at the hive entrance are stopped by the guard bees which are picking mites off of them before letting them in the hive. This could be a game changer. Very exciting to see if this is a learned behaviour that transfers to future generations.

#bees #beekeeping #apiary

Last updated 1 year ago

donkey jess · @adonkumentary
288 followers · 406 posts · Server
Jenny · @JustJenny
175 followers · 489 posts · Server

A beautiful European hornet queen (Vespa Crabro) hanging around the apiary yesterday. European hornets are native to the UK, and despite their formidable size and appearance, they are gentle giants and only get aggressive when threatened or attacked. Their nests are small, and although they like to catch a few honeybees for their lunch, they don't cause any problems or hurt the colony.

#bee #naturephotography #Nature #apiary #honeybee #hornet #beekeeping

Last updated 1 year ago

Mme Zabet (she/her) · @mmezabet
145 followers · 2203 posts · Server

Someone today posted a free link to a WaPo article on urban beekeepers and wild bee populations and now I can't find it. Halp?

#bees #apiary #beekeeping

Last updated 1 year ago

The new colony Artemis is now installed in the apiary. May she have flowery meadows and sunny weather.
Found queen cells in the new splits. The first hurdle! Now we wait...

#beekeeping #bees #apiary #gardeningmagic

Last updated 1 year ago

I just spend the craziest day in my apiary... did not see this coming. As some of you know, I lost one hive out of my two late this spring. The regional bee inspector came to my place today to help me check things out. After we looked at the dead hive frames and took test samples, we went out to the remaining healthy hive to see what's what. Since I am a newbie and have never done a split before, I ask him to help me. Well shit... we had enough bees to do a triple split!! He said I had a BOOMING hive.

So, one becomes 3 just like that. I will have to check in a week and again and again to make sure the 2 splits make their queens and the queens do all the things. But for today, I am ecstatic. Here is a pic of the inspector and me figuring out which frames to put in which boxes. I am putting the inner cover on split one while the inspector looks on. The other photo shows some of the gazzilion bees in that one hive.

And my beautiful yellow dot Queen was put into a nuc box for an hour to keep safe while we did the rest. And I also have enough honey from last year to feed all 3 hives without extra syrup. This makes me doubly happy. This spring has been a rollercoaster but today was a win.

#beekeeping #bees #honeybees #apiary

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Hochstat · @JHochstat
57 followers · 942 posts · Server

Happy Scarlett Macaw

La Paz Waterfall Gardens Nature Park

February 2013
(when my mom was down visiting me)

Photo by me

#costarica #apiary #puravida

Last updated 2 years ago

aarondleong · @aarondleong
122 followers · 1292 posts · Server
amd · @amd
154 followers · 63 posts · Server

My six year old and I got our nucs installed in their hives today. Feeding some 1:1 and pollen patties. Hopefully we get a nice start to the year and build up some strong colonies.

#beekeeping #gardening #apiary #backyardbees #homesteading

Last updated 2 years ago

No One · @No_One
64 followers · 586 posts · Server

I put out swarm traps yesterday and today I planted hundreds of flower seeds. Some of them may have been illegal but then again, maybe not. Even if I am unsuccessful at catching a swarm. I have provided food plants for bees, deer, rabbits, birds and other wildlife

#beekeeping #freefood #flowers #savethebees #anarchy #apiary

Last updated 2 years ago

23 followers · 235 posts · Server

Ahhh spring. Beek meeting was jam packed. Everybody's out and about. I snagged 2 ceracell top feeders on sale, have to build frames for them this week. Picked up pollen patties. My wee girls made it through the winter until now. Hopefully it warms up soon so I can get some mite treatment in there. Will use some wintergreen meanwhile. I ordered a "just in case nuc" for this spring so with splits it looks like I will be running a 5 hive apiary this year. Squee! 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝

#beekeeping #apiary #spring

Last updated 2 years ago