Just joined mastodon after #apidaysparis keynote where Mike Amundsen present the fediverse . I am really glad to find social network that fit with my conviction.
Bartick and the other members of the "ENIAC Six" were featured in my 2020 #APIDaysParis talk "Reconnecting with our Futures Past"
They were so many great sessions, but here are my top 3 I recommend watching as soon as they're available:
- "60 years of APIs" by Mike Amundsen
- "The State of API industry" by Mark O'Neill
- "API Governance 3.0 - A collaborative foundation for the next 10 years of APIs" by Patrick Brosse and Mark Weitzel
#api #apidaysParis 🧵🔚
10 years of API Days and video adapters are still an issue 😅 (lowering the Macbook output refresh rate may solve problems).
#api #apidaysParis 🧵
It's still (unfortunately) important to remind that it's OpenAPI (3) and not Swagger (2) anymore. (Here's a recap and video of my "OpenAPI does what Swagger don't" session https://blog.postman.com/openapi-does-what-swagger-dont/)
#api #apidaysParis 🧵
Do-it-all API gateway-saurus (© Mark O'Neill) are dying species leaving room for more specialized tools. More focused and decentralized API gateways (bye-bye hyper centralized ESBs-like gateways) need tools around them. Also, I feel that third-party API management and governance is an area to explore more.
#api #apidaysParis 🧵
I'm quite happy to see that I'm not the only one thinking that API governance is an enabler and goes far beyond guidelines and linting. Standardization is important, but skilling and making people's lives easier are the new challenges.
#api #apidaysParis 🧵
The event was great, the venue was great, the sessions were great, and the people were great. I was especially super happy to meet students at such a conference (and not surprised to learn that most of them do not actually learn to design APIs. if you're an engineering/software university/school, I know someone who can fill this gap 😉).
#api #apidaysParis 🧵
I never thought I would say: "no worries, I have ink in my pen for everyone" at an API conference: #apidaysParis was a blast! But not only because of a book signing session with a je-ne-sais-quoi of a black Friday. Here's a quick recap and my thoughts after the event. 🧵
Crowded room for @florimond at #apidaysParis! "5 Guiding Principles To Practical Digital Ecodesign"
I didn't know the UK has regulation requiring banks to show they are not locked in to a single cloud provider, and that their critical services are portable. I wonder if they have similar regs for government services...
(Slide from Matt Roberts at IBM)
#apidays #apidaysparis #govtech #apis
#apidays #apidaysparis #govtech #apis
C’est maintenant @vincib, cofondateur de @laquadrature, qui parle écologie numérique concrète. 🌱✊ #OnEstLaTech #apidaysParis
Ce sont maintenant @marion_age et Cécile Staehle qui présentent le modèle des coopératives (@les_scop), des entreprises autogérées qui répartissent équitablement les richesses et qui sont très adaptées au secteur de la tech ✊ #OnEstLaTech #apidaysParis
Table ronde « femmes dans la tech » avec @mupsigraphy @MagaliMilbergue @eaboaf_ @RayonnanteGaga et @MarcyChama ✊ #OnEstLaTech #apidaysParis
Au tour de @MenicaFolden, la fondatrice du @wiki_trans 🏳️⚧️✊
C’est maintenant @aamonnz qui est sur scène : « pour une techno-critique non réactionnaire ». #OnEstLaTech
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@onestlatech 🔗 https://mastodon.social/users/onestlatech/statuses/109517358311906908
Salle comble pour @hubertguillaud : « Les algorithmes contre la Sociale » ✊ #OnEstLaTech #APIDaysParis
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@onestlatech 🔗 https://mastodon.social/users/onestlatech/statuses/109517358311906908
Salle comble pour @hubertguillaud : « Les algorithmes contre la Sociale » ✊ #OnEstLaTech #APIDaysParis
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@onestlatech 🔗 https://mastodon.social/users/onestlatech/statuses/109517358311906908
Salle comble pour @hubertguillaud : « Les algorithmes contre la Sociale » ✊ #OnEstLaTech #APIDaysParis
C’est @HeleneMaitre qui ouvre l’après-midi. Hélène revient sur la genèse du collectif #OnEstLaTech. #apidaysParis
C’est toujours salle C/D à la @citedessciences. La conférence est hébergée par les @APIdaysGlobal, vous pouvez rentrer gratuitement avec le code ONESTLATECH.