Habe jede Menge ungespielte Spiele, weil ich vieles auch nur zum Lesen kaufe.
Davon sehr gerne spielen möchte ich #ApocalypseKeys #Sleepaway #GoodSociety #MoonlightOnRosevilleBeach und ungezählte "kleinere" Spiele (meine Itch-Sammlung ist WIRKLICH groß, auch wenn ich nur die bewusst hinzugefügten Spiele zähle und keine kompletten Megabundles).
#apocalypsekeys #sleepaway #goodsociety #moonlightonrosevillebeach #pnpde #rpgaday #rpgaday2023
¿Alguna editorial ha anunciado #ApocalypseKeys al español?
#apocalypsekeys #juegoderol #juegosderol #jdr #ttrpg
So my #ApocalypseKeys mini-campaign was canceled. Like the whole thing, not the session. :blobcatverysad:
I liked the characters/setting/players etc. Now I need to sort out what to do from here.
I am considering MCing it though. But it likely won’t be with the same group. And even still, that’s not playing my char.
So, in Apocalypse Keys we are investigating a series of “impossible” murders— apparently of Y2K babies (born Jan 1st, 2000).
Anyway Curio, my Shade, temporarily resurrected one of them, and got darkness tokens for telling him he “[didn’t] need that now” wrt *the air he was gasping for in a desperate attempt to breathe*. Did I mention he died by suffocation? :blobcatfingerguns:
Being dead has made Curio a bit callous about that of others. :blobcatsip:
#ttrpg #ApocalypseKeys #pbta
Last night (or tonight depending on your perspective) marks the first session of Apocalypse Keys.
It was a session zero, but I’m already excited by the Division we’ve created together. I’m looking forward to having my Shade, Curio, interact with all the other characters.
#ttrpg #ApocalypseKeys #pbta
As an aside, all but D&D are #pbta games. It’s almost like I favor that system or something.
Also, I’ll soon be playing #ApocalypseKeys — all our schedules permitting. :blobcatdance:
So I built characters on Weak Moves as you can see in the #BelongingOutsideBelonging games, or the Keys you can see in the great #UncannyEchoes and also great, newer #ApocalypseKeys
But you don't get a Token in Suministros SL, you get a die.
You have a die bank, you can use to improve any roll.
So the classic 2D6+Stat didn't fit anymore.
I had a dice pool.
So I borrowed the die roll from #FitD
#belongingoutsidebelonging #uncannyechoes #apocalypsekeys #fitd
What's this, another #PBtA game that I was a #KickstarterBacker on, the #ApocalypseKeys from #EvilHat Backerkit survey has arrived in my Inbox with the finished version of the PDF available to download today?
Ok, Evil Hat, you're right, I didn't need to do any actual work today. I need to read another #ttrpg book.
#ttrpg #evilhat #apocalypsekeys #kickstarterbacker #pbta