#SeptembeRPG Day 6: That game you really want to play but can't seem to find the right group or time for
I find myself in the privileged position to know many fine people ♥️ who are all in for playing all kinds of #ttrpgs. Alas, there never seems to be enough time. Would love to run a long game of #ApocalypseWorld or a #DarkSun or #StarsWithoutNumber / #Traveller campaign
#septemberpg #ttrpgs #apocalypseworld #darksun #starswithoutnumber #traveller
First session of #ApocalypseWorld today. I think we got into it pretty well, although I need to work on my 'barf forth apocalyptica' skill. The players rolled so atrociously (all 2s and 3s) that I almost felt bad about all the hard moves I had to make. The Maestro d' lost their bodyguard in the first session (to a giant fish), the hocus was forced to flee by a rival cult, and the savvyhead is wounded and has lost most of his personal gear. Ah well. That means things can only get better. Right?
The reviewer assumes that #DungeonWorld helped #ApocalypseWorld / #PbtA to break through. #DW was already too #DnD for me back then, we enjoyed #tremlus more. As well, #FantasyWorld, another #Fantasy #PbtA #ttrpg should also follow the #DnD - tradition, but offer its own, interesting approaches. Group themes (quests vs coins etc.) , more deadly/consequential battles I find interesting, maybe another good source of ideas. #Stonetop remains my favourite #PbtA #fantasy game.
#dungeonworld #apocalypseworld #PbtA #dw #dnd #tremlus #FantasyWorld #fantasy #ttrpg #Stonetop
I've got another #ApocalypseWorld question. I've got the original book, but I notice there's a second edition. Are the changes big and important and good enough for me to seek out this newer edition?
I'm going to set my #ApocalypseWorld campaign in a post-apocalyptic, post-climate change Netherlands. Flooded, crumbling cities. People fighting over islands. Sweltering heat. Lots and lots of vegetation. Mosquitoes. Snakes. The chopper doesn't have a biker gang, but a motor boat gang. The biggest dikes (Afsluitdijk, Delatwerken) haven't broken through yet, but might. Weird descendants of Calvinism fighting weird descendants of Islam. Ideas are very welcome: barf forth apocalyptica!
The words, diegetic advancement, got stuck in my head.
Inspired by Into the Odd, Apocalypse World and Swords Without Master.
#IntoTheOdd #ttrpg #SwordsWithoutMaster #apocalypseworld
My group has chosen Apocalypse World by @lumpley as our next game. Looking forward to it, but it's been a long time since I GMed anything with a rule book this long and rules this detailed (an antique handgun is 2-harm close reload loud valuable; 3-harm for a gang means widespread injuries and several fatalities; etc). My question is: how much should I sweat this? Can I just improvise? Are there particular parts of the book I really need to have at the ready?
158: El Jefe and the Hardholder!
Trusting the players and helping GMs
by @thomas
#TheIndieRPGNewsletter #TTRPG
#ApocalypseWorld #PasiondelaPasiones #PBTA #Playbooks
#theindierpgnewsletter #ttrpg #apocalypseworld #pasiondelapasiones #pbta #playbooks
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 11: "Weirdest game you've played"
The two that come to mind are both #GenCon #GamesOnDemand sessions of #ApocalypseWorld; there’s something about a group of often strangers getting together and then playing characters in a post-apocalyptic world. Exploring the ideas of community and scarcity with the Psychic Maelstrom churning in the background.
#rpgaday2023 #GenCon #gamesondemand #apocalypseworld #ttrpg #rpg #pbta
Estos meses en @exitocritico hemos jugado una minicampaña de Apocalypse World que quedó bastante guapa así que si le queréis echar un ojo os dejo la lista de reproducción :)
#ApocalypseWorld #PBTA #JuegosDeRol #TTRPG
#apocalypseworld #pbta #juegosderol #ttrpg
@LeviKornelsen Probably not helpful at all for this context, but have you looked at #ApocalypseWorld ?
It has a really weird way to communicate its rules that really hurts comprehension, but the general concepts are interesting. Though so far removed from the D&D approach that I don't know if any of it can really be carried over.
Played the second session of a #Apocalypseworld: Burned Over campaign (by the excellent @lumpley and @megueyb) and it just feels so good to play. The playbooks are so inspiring and the GM tools are so easy to follow. Just wonderful
I've been playing AW with groups since the early 2010s with the 1st edition, and I am always taken aback by how poetic and play-driven the books are. Burned Over does such a good job polishing the edges of AW for less counter-cultural players, though I still love AW.
Hatte letztes Mal gar nicht berichtet, aber heute haben wir Teil 3 der Leserunde gemacht und über das MC-Kapitel, The First Session und Threats in #ApocalypseWorld geredet. Wir sind ein paar Mal in andere Themen abgeschweift, haben aber trotzdem allerlei interessante Beobachtungen und Vergleiche mit anderen Spielen zusammengetragen.
Nächstes Mal machen wir noch einen letzten Happen Apocalypse World und entscheiden vor allem gemeinsam, was wir als nächstes lesen.
#apocalypseworld #pnpde #rollenspiellesekreis
I ran a short-lived Apocalypse World campaign based on this Tokyo Genso artwork. Chokingly overgrown cities rather than the usual dusty, sandy Mad Max apocalypse.
Unser erstes Lesekreis-Treffen zum ersten Themenblock aus #ApocalypseWorld war übrigens echt super! Wir haben zu sechst hart rumgenerdet, uns gegenseitig Sachen erklärt und viele Verbindungslinien zu anderen Spielen gefunden.
Unabhängig davon, ob wir es selber (nochmal) spielen wollen, ist es einfach in vielen Punkten ein echt gutes Regelbuch mit einer extrem gut getroffenen Stimme aus der Spielwelt. Lohnt echt!
Wer noch einsteigen will: Am 11.06. gehts weiter!
#apocalypseworld #pnpde #rollenspiellesekreis
Das 1. Treffen des Rollenspiel-Lesekreises auf dem Plotbunny-Discord findet am Sonntag, 25.05. um 19 Uhr statt. Weitere Treffen dann alle 2 Wochen zur gleichen Zeit.
Wir lesen als erstes #ApocalypseWorld 2E und teilen uns die Kapitel auf 4 Termine auf (Genaueres auf dem Discord in den Events). Gelesen wird vorher alleine, geredet wird dann beim Termin gemeinsam.
Bin schon super gespannt, wie es wird! 🐰
Wenn ihr mitmachen wollt, seid ihr herzlich willkommen!
#apocalypseworld #pnpde #rollenspiellesekreis
In giving advice for campaign planning, my advice looks more and more like the post-first-session stuff from Apocalypse World.
I'm okay with that.
The idea of planning a level 1 to level 20 campaign from start to finish is nutty to me.
If not AW, I'd point someone towards Mythic Bastionland's hex map prep stuff.
#apocalypseworld #mythicbastionland
@AetherEgo definitely #dungeonworld and #apocalypseworld (#pbta) which led me to rethink and completely overhaul my style of gm-ing and prepping games. Moreover #nsr gales such as #Cairn which demonstrated that you might actually not loose much or anything when dismantling traditional #ttrpg procedures such as the to-hit//attack roll.
#dungeonworld #apocalypseworld #PbtA #nsr #cairn #ttrpg
Seeing the glimpse of the upcoming Dune part 2 trailer and I am reminded of a thing I wrote up for the game @seannittner and I played in memory of Morgan.
#sciencefiction #traveller #apocalypseworld
Apocalypse World is the stone upon which I realized GMs/MCs make sense. Without apocalypse world I'd still be very happy only playing gmless games