FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release #29🎧
APOKATASTASIS - The Consecratory Secretion🇺🇸🔥
Debut album from Phoenix, Arizona, U.S Blackened Brutal Death Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://apokatastasisbrutal.bandcamp.com/album/the-consecratory-secretion 🔥
#Apokatastasis #TheConsecratorySecretion #BlackndBrutalDM #FFFJan20 #KMäN https://t.co/dGHWxcyCqK
#KMaN #fffjan20 #blackndbrutaldm #theconsecratorysecretion #apokatastasis
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release #29🎧
APOKATASTASIS - The Consecratory Secretion🇺🇸🔥
Debut album from Phoenix, Arizona, U.S Blackened Brutal Death Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://apokatastasisbrutal.bandcamp.com/album/the-consecratory-secretion 🔥
#Apokatastasis #TheConsecratorySecretion #BlackndBrutalDM #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616250281473327104
#KMaN #fffjan20 #blackndbrutaldm #theconsecratorysecretion #apokatastasis
I am not a hopeful universalist. I am absolutely dogmatic about it. #Apokatastasis
•Not ordained, not a scholar, but still I post about the #bible, #religion, #spirituality, and #theology.
•I am not a member of a church at the moment.
•Although eclectic, my theology is largely Reformed via Karl Barth, T.F. Torrance, and Jürgen Moltmann.
•I aspire to being a practitioner of Franciscan spirituality.
I have only a handful of strong theological opinions, but I hold them loosely as I have changed my mind multiple times on almost everything!
The most important doctrine to me is that of #Apokatastasis or universal salvation. I have read at 30+ books on the subject. I do not believe there can be good news without it. My favorite book on universal salvation is written by David Bentley Hart and is titled That All Shall Be Saved. It’s required reading if you’re into eschatology.
I’m a Richard Rohr Stan. His book The Universal Christ is nothing short of amazing. If you want a more scholarly version of the theology undergirding it, read The Whole Mystery of Christ: Creation as Incarnation in Maximus the Confessor by Jordan Daniel Wood.
I’ve been in social media for some twelve years. It’s likely you’ve come across me before, quite possibly on the bird site. I have changed a great deal over the years. Why not be gracious to one another, and start anew?
#Introduction #bible #religion #spirituality #theology #apokatastasis
I have been experiencing a great deal of reading and posting fatigue lately. Even writing this short post is proving difficult, but I will give it a shot.
What can I say?
•I’m a public school teacher, but will not post about education issues.
•I’m married, and have a son, but will not post or share much about them or about marriage and parenting.
•Neither am I ordained nor am I a scholar, but I will post about the #bible, #religion, #spirituality, and #theology. I am not a member of a church at the moment. Although eclectic, my theology is largely Reformed via Karl Barth, T.F. Torrance, and Jürgen Moltmann.
I have strong theological opinions, but I hold them loosely as I have changed my mind multiple times on most topics.
The most important doctrine to me is that of #Apokatastasis or universal salvation. I have read at least 30 books on this subject! I do not believe there can be good news without it. My favorite book on universal salvation is written by David Bentley Hart and is titled That All Shall Be Saved. It’s required reading if you’re into eschatology, as I am.
The latest thinker that has really shaped my thought and life is Richard Rohr. His book The Universal Christ is nothing short of amazing. If you want a more scholarly version of the theology undergirding it, read The Whole Mystery of Christ: Creation as Incarnation in Maximus the Confessor by Jordan Daniel Wood.
I’ve been in social media for some twelve years. It’s likely you’ve come across me before, quite possibly on the bird site. I have changed a great deal over the years. Why not be gracious to one another, and start anew?
I will end this first post by sharing a video of some of my favorite ebooks. I have many more paperback and hardbacks besides!
#Introduction #bible #religion #spirituality #theology #apokatastasis
well, that ends this theological debate. #theology #apokatastasis #chatgpt
#theology #apokatastasis #chatgpt
Hello 👋🏽
I just moved from another instance.
Here’s my #Introduction toot once again:
I am not a scholar, am not ordained, am just a #Bible and #Theology nerd. I am really interested in the #Kerygma, #ChristianOrigins, #SystematicTheology, and so forth.
I have recently returned to the Catholic Church, after a +20 year Protestant journey. I am politically progressive, and affirm all my LGBTQ+ siblings in the world.
I am a convinced universalist. God will save all! #Apokatastasis
#bible #theology #kerygma #christianorigins #systematictheology #apokatastasis #introduction