54 years ago "July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind" by @NASA (page from #Apollo50 anniversary in 2019) - #Apollo11 fulfilled humanity's dreams since prehistoric times of going to the #Moon to explore. More #science to come. https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/apollo11.html #NASA #space #history
#apollo50 #apollo11 #moon #science #nasa #space #history
#WalterCunningham, last surviving #Apollo7 #astronaut, dies at age 90. Saw him at an #Apollo50 event in 2019. #RIP
#rip #apollo50 #astronaut #apollo7 #waltercunningham
"For All Mankind" (Documentary, 1989)
RT @Moonpans@twitter.com
The Top 10 Photos from Apollo 15
Apollo 15 was the first 'J' Mission, which meant a longer stay with 3 EVA's, more science and the first use of the Lunar Rover. So there were a huge number of great photos to choose from. Here are our top 10...
#Apollo50 #space #apollo15 #NASA
#apollo50 #space #apollo15 #nasa
#OTD in 1972, #Apollo17 returned to Earth after the most fructuous Apollo mission.
Pic : https://www.wikiarchives.space/picture.php?/17827/category/141
4200 photos of the mission are here is UHD, free download : https://www.wikiarchives.space/index.php?/category/28
#otd #apollo17 #apollo50 #nasa #space
Vijftig jaar geleden kwamen de laatste mensen terug van de maan
#Apollo50 #EugeneCernan #HarrisonSchmitt
#harrisonschmitt #eugenecernan #apollo50
RT @NicosPanoptikum@twitter.com
Das #Apollo50-Jubiläum neigt sich dem Ende, denn heute vor 50 Jahren brachen zum letzten Mal Menschen zum Mond auf. Erstmals war sogar ein Wissenschaftler an Bord.
Während momentan #Artemis1 zur Erde zurückkehrt, begann am 07.12.1972 der Mondflug von #Apollo17.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NicosPanoptikum/status/1600368759054573569
#OTD in 1972 and approximately at this time, #Apollo17 was leaving the moon after the most fructuous Apollo mission.
Pic : https://www.wikiarchives.space/picture.php?/17827/category/141
4200 photos of the mission are here is UHD, free download : https://www.wikiarchives.space/index.php?/category/28
#otd #apollo17 #apollo50 #nasa #space
#OTD in 1972 and approximately at this time, #Apollo17 was doing their last steps of the moon, the last of the Apollo Program.
Pic : https://www.wikiarchives.space/picture.php?/17836/category/141
4200 photos of the mission are here is UHD, free download : https://www.wikiarchives.space/index.php?/category/28
#otd #apollo17 #apollo50 #nasa #space
#OTD in 1972 and approximately at this time, #Apollo17 was landing and beginning their first day on the moon
Pic : https://www.wikiarchives.space/picture.php?/341832/category/250
4200 photos of the mission are here is UHD, free download : https://www.wikiarchives.space/index.php?/category/28
#otd #apollo17 #apollo50 #nasa #space
Some excellent photography here.
Apollo 17 in Pictures: “God Willing, as We Shall Return”
#Apollo #apollo50
The astronauts took several photos of Earth that day. A cropped version of one of them, AS17-148-22727, became one of the most famous images produced by the US space program.
The image known as "The Blue Marble" shows Earth from a distance of about 18,000 miles. Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the South Pole are all visible, as well as parts of the Atlantic and Indian oceans.
#Apollo50 #TheBlueMarble
Today is the 50th anniversary of the last time humans went to the Moon.
Apollo 17, the final mission of the Apollo program and the last time we ventured beyond low Earth orbit, launched from Kennedy Space Center #OTD in 1972.
Images: NASA https://flic.kr/s/aHskm64ger
RT @airandspace@twitter.com
It’s #Apollo50 time once again! The 50th anniversary of the #Apollo17 mission begins tonight at 12:33 am.
Explore the story of the final Moon landing of the Apollo program: https://s.si.edu/3F6YSUT
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/airandspace/status/1600278955940106240
#OTD and approximately at this time, #Apollo17 were, as they said, "in the middle of a snow storm!" Ice and paint particules flew away during Transposition and Docking on their way to the moon.
Pic : https://www.wikiarchives.space/picture.php?/341994/category/251
#otd #apollo17 #apollo50 #nasa #space