Like #Apollo17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt throwing his rock hammer before heading into the lunar module for the last time, we’re throwing this lunar panorama here. That’s all folks for #Apollo50th!
The hammer throw:
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
After 12 days and 14 hours in space, the #Apollo17 astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean at 2:25 pm EST #OTD in 1972. It was the longest of all the Apollo missions with the most samples retrieved and photos taken. #Apollo50th
#apollo17 #otd #apollo50th #NASAhistory
Are we there yet?
Almost! 50 years ago today, in preparation for #Apollo17’s descent through Earth’s atmosphere, the Service Module, which powered the mission’s flight to the Moon and back, was separated from the Command Module. #Apollo50th
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
Wonder what it’s like to be on the Moon? #Apollo17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt said:
“Working on the Moon is a lot of fun. It’s like walking around on a giant trampoline all the time and you’re just as strong as you were here on Earth, but you don’t weigh as much.” #Apollo50th
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
Earthrise seen from lunar orbit - taken by crew of #Apollo17 in December 1972.
#apollo17 #earthrise #apollo50th
“Hey, this is great! Talk about being a spaceman, this is it!”
Watch as Ron Evans, the #Apollo17 command module pilot performed a deep space EVA to retrieve a film canister on the outside of the spacecraft:
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
“There’s no place like home for the holidays”
The #Apollo17 crew wakes up to Jerry Vale’s rendition of the classic holiday song on their trip back to Earth from the Moon. Gene Cernan remarks to Mission Control, “your choice of music is getting better down there.” #Apollo50th
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
Pretty good moon.
50 years ago today, the #Apollo17 crew completed its time at the Moon and performed a Trans-Earth injection (TEI) burn to return home. #Apollo50th
Photo: View of the far side of the Moon taken just after TEI.
50 years ago today, the #Apollo17 crew completed its time at the Moon and performed a Trans-Earth injection (TEI) burn to return home. #Apollo50th
Photo: View of the far side of the Moon taken just after TEI.
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
"We send our good morning on our last wakeup day from the Moon.”
Gene Cernan sent greetings from the #Apollo17 crew to everyone back on Earth #OTD in 1972. #Apollo50th
📷 Earthrise seen from lunar orbit
#apollo17 #otd #apollo50th #NASAhistory
Experience this sample and other #Apollo17 lunar samples in 3D with Astromaterials 3D:
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
50 years ago today, Gene Cernan became the last person to stand on the Moon. Before his return to the #Apollo17 lunar module, he said: “We leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17.” #Apollo50th
Ron prepares for company 🧹
About 2 hours after the #Apollo17 lunar module lifted off from the Moon’s surface, it docked with the command and service module (CSM) piloted by Ron Evans. Commander Gene Cernan captured this shot of the CSM just before docking. #Apollo50th
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
Gene Cernan: “The pictures speak for themselves. We were pretty happy, pretty tired, and pretty dirty. Look at the faces and you can see the sense of satisfaction. And look at how dirty...look at how filthy we are! And hot. I guarantee you that underwear was soaked.” #Apollo50th
RT @NASAhistory
50 years ago today, Gene Cernan became the last person to stand on the Moon. Before his return to the #Apollo17 lunar module, he said: “We leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17.” #Apollo50th
50 years ago today, Gene Cernan became the last person to stand on the Moon. Before his return to the #Apollo17 lunar module, he said: “We leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17.” #Apollo50th
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
Farewell to the LRV 👋
Near the end of their last EVA, #Apollo17 astronauts Cernan and Schmitt parked the rover with its camera pointed at the LM to record its launch from the Moon. Over 3 days, they had completed 22 hours of EVAs—the most of all the Apollo missions. #Apollo50th
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
As part of the #Apollo17 Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment, Harrison Schmitt and Gene Cernan pulled the pins on 8 explosive charges (on the right in the 📷) left at 8 sites, activating timers that would allow them to be exploded roughly 90 hours later. #Apollo50th
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
“May the spirit of peace in which we came be reflected in the lives of all mankind”
These words, signed by the #Apollo17 astronauts and President Nixon remain on the Moon’s surface affixed to one of the legs of the lunar lander. #Apollo50th
#apollo17 #apollo50th #NASAhistory
#Apollo17 astronaut Harisson Schmitt suffered from “lunar hay fever” in reaction to the lunar dust. Unlike Earth’s dust particles which are rounded, Moon dust is sharp and abrasive, irritating astronaut eyes, nasal passages, and lungs. #Apollo50th