RT @trell8301@twitter.com
Hashtag identification:
Meghan is Prince Harry's wife.
Megan is Megan the Stallion.
Both are women of color who've been put through a lot of bullshit over the last few years. Apologize to both of them, you know who you are.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/trell8301/status/1606712463101235202
#apologizetomeghan #apologizetomegan
RT @byetwit@twitter.com
Can we all agree that at his big age, Jeremy Clarkson
1. knows what an apology is
2. doe not feel he should apologize
3. DID NOT APOLOGIZE to Princess Meghan
4. NEEDS TO #apologizetomeghan
#apologizetomeghan #jeremyclarksonisdisgusting
RT @northway_debbie@twitter.com
Will they sacrifice Louis to give George “good” press one day? #ApologizeToMeghan
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/northway_debbie/status/1607040398572285954