#ISHRhetSilenceSeries: #apophasis (#praeteritio). A rhetorical device defined as “the raising of an issue by claiming not to mention it” (Merriam-Webster), apophasis is the pretence of #silence. A speaker pretends... 🧵1/3
#ishrhetsilenceseries #apophasis #praeteritio #silence
#ISHRhetSilenceSeries: #apophasis (/#praeteritio). A rhetorical device defined as “the raising of an issue by claiming not to mention it” (Merriam-Webster), apophasis is the pretence of #silence. A speaker pretends that they will be silent about something as a way of really affirming or insinuating it. A favourite of #Cicero, apophasis is routinely used in contemporary political discourse. A recent and misogynistic example?
#ishrhetsilenceseries #apophasis #silence #cicero