Digging through my files I stumbled upon some of my old fractal images that I made in Apophysis over a decade ago. This one is titled "Pine Branch" and kinda proves that nature is fractal too.
#fractalart #digitalart #art #apophysis
Fractal #fireworks
- don't spark fires
- don't pollute
- don't injure people
- don't traumatize animals
- don't blow the budget
From my #FractalArchive. Created in #Apophysis
#fractal #Fractals #FractalArt #FractalFlame
#fireworks #fractalarchive #apophysis #fractal #fractals #fractalart #FractalFlame
Unlikely to be finding the time to make anything new today so here is a piece I created for May the 4th a couple of years ago.
Main tools were #Blender #OctaneRender, #Photoshop and #Apophysis.
#SciFi #MastoArt #StarWars #starwarsday #maythe4th #apophysis #photoshop #octanerender #blender
A wee beastie from my #FractalArchive. I imagine it as a wild arthropod or spiny trilobite, maybe a cousin to one of the improbable creatures whose fossils inhabit the #BurgessShale -- a bristleworm, perhaps, or Hallucigenia curled up with her babies.
Occasionally I browse photos and animations of the Burgess Shale fossils, on the lookout for ancient analogue relatives of this preposterous digital creature.
Created in #Apophysis.#Fractal #Fractals #FractalArt
#fractalarchive #burgessshale #apophysis #fractal #fractals #fractalart
One of my other art forms I do is #fractalart, my dA fractal art account used to be deadenedglow. I mostly post on the Fractal Chats discord when I do create fractals. I use #Apophysis, #Fractorium, #Chaotica, or #UltraFractal.
#fractalart #apophysis #fractorium #chaotica #ultrafractal
This is my profile avatar, a #FractalFlame created in #Apophysis.
For me this image kindles a sense of hope; it evokes the moment of "calm brilliance" when the phoenix, dreaming of flight, starts to re-create itself in the flame.
"Its crest shines with the sun’s own light and shatters the darkness with its calm brilliance."
“Phoenix” by Claudian, translated by Henry Maurice Platnauer
#FractalFlame #apophysis #artadventcalendar #fractals #metamorphosis
The fractal was made with a program called Apophysis AV, which can be found on SourceForge here https://sourceforge.net/projects/apophysis-av/
Here's a small group of #fractals and #fractalcollages I created a few years ago using #Apophysis
#fractals #fractalcollages #apophysis #digitalart
i am making a thing that will draw xaos flow diagram from apophysis or chaotica parameters
it seems to work already, but i am still testing it on random parameters i find on the internet
the attached picture was generated from this: https://estfyr.net/2022-08-22-1022
#howto render a vertical strip that repeats horizontally in #fractorium (possibly also other #flame #fractals software like #apophysis or #chaotica ). possible use case: texture for #autostereogram generation.
0. start with some flame
1. add a Final transform with linear variation weight 0 and modulusx weight 1. its affine transform should be reset to identity.
2. set flame Width to 256px, and Scale to 128.0 (presumably half the width works in all cases).
3. make sure camera rotation and offset are 0.0
4. render!
- a small seam is still visible in Firefox when zooming in, possible workaround is to render bigger, tile in #imagemagick #montage , then downscale and crop, to make the seam as (subpixel) small as desired
- "overlaps" in the fractal structure, but I don't care about that (yet)
#howto #fractorium #flame #fractals #apophysis #chaotica #autostereogram #imagemagick #montage