Finally went back to, and finished, #Aporia. What a gem of a game. It's short puzzler (less than ten hours unless you 100% the achieves), the story is good, and the ending is thought-provoking.
Highly recommend.
#Fantasia2023 review of #Aporia written and directed by Jared Moshe, which will be releasing this Friday.
Judy Greer, Edi Gathegi and Payman Maadi shine in Jared Moshe's time travel drama Aporia. Check out my review of the film from Fantasia Fest at 411mania! #Aporia #FantasiaFest #JudyGreer
#aporia #fantasiafest #judygreer
I should really make the time to finish #OuterWilds and #Aporia. Was enjoying both before I gave in to the allure of larger MMOs... ( damn you #ESO )
Już mamy wspaniały plakat koncertu #TESA (LV, post-hardcore / experimental) • #APORIA (screamo / hardcore) na @adapulawska autorstwa Bie Bielecki!
Będziemy bardzo wdzięczni za udostępnienie i zaproszenie znajomych i przyjaciół. Widzimy się na koncercie! 🎶
#poster #plakat #koncert #concert #warsaw #warszawa #posthardcore #experimental
#tesa #aporia #poster #plakat #koncert #concert #warsaw #warszawa #posthardcore #experimental
@LadyMarth01 thank you! I have an overwhelmingly long list of games, but right now #Aporia has my attention. There are no written or spoken words but I'm fascinated with the story.
It was developed by Invisible Walls, a small team in Denmark.
Is there anyone who argues that, regardless of what #Plato is doing with regard to #aporia, that #Socrates' #elenchus is purely #eristic? I know #Aristotle tries to distinguish Sophistic elenchus from Socrates; I'm looking for the opposite argument
#aristotle #eristic #elenchus #socrates #aporia #plato
I'm about 2 hours into #Aporia and all I can say is WOW. I am enjoying this WAY more than I thought!