Gitlab Rss Bot · @gitlab_rss_bot
1 followers · 85 posts · Server

RT by @gitlab: Let's meet IRL at ! I'll be mostly around the @gitlab booth (P1). If you want to learn about our or roadmap I am there for your. If you have a failure or success to share, I'd like to hear it and learn. See you in !

#kubecon #kubernetes #appdelivery #amsterdam

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh · @joshwithouthats
87 followers · 605 posts · Server

So I figured out Rate Limiting on our platform today (finally) and a question comes to me: what questions of devs and software vendors and app teams does one ask in order to get the data points needed to establish baseline RL configurations? Or is broad-strokes rate limiting even a thing we should try to do? Curious how any firewall or peeps out there approach this with customers or colleagues when onboarding new services. 🤔

#netscaler #infosec #it #appdelivery #infrastructure #itsecurity

Last updated 2 years ago