The one where you discover all your #AppDotNet posts in an archive, and that #Instapaper was still cross posting there as late as 2015
I’ve been trying a few client apps and often initial authentication fails on I wonder if it’s an instance bug. Always works on retry #appdotnet
I’ve pretty much only used Twitter through 3rd party apps over the years. Tweetbot 7 has been especially excellent (I’m subscribed with a different AppleID).
I’m looking forward to seeing how Mastodon evolves as devs build things for it.
Anyone remember & Netbot?
#netbot #appdotnet #tweetbot #Twitter
@macsnider Ja, stimmt. Warst du nicht auch Teil des Podcasts, wo auch @dasdom mit dabei war? Da hatten wir #AppDotNet als Hauptthema. Wir waren zu Dritt und ich Mann mich an einen nicht mehr 100%ig erinnern.
Getting strong #AppDotNet vibe on #Mastodon but more mature and feature complete with a way larger community. Things are looking bright
@Normdeplume @maxleibman I was on both and the friendly conversational aspect of #AppDotNet really, really was something special. #AppDotNetEthos
And #StumbleUpon had a strong and generous community sense, too. I was not quite as much on there, but in a way recognized something similar on
The corporate reality unfortunately brought things down. Oh, well, this #Fediverse thing really looks promising. Hopefully the time is finally right…
#appdotnet #appdotnetethos #stumbleupon #fediverse
@ukhaiku Ha, yep, life has definitely happened… Oh, well, the old gang is at this point all over different instances. I suppose there is not much else to do, but follow and greet folks one by one. If one even realises the common #AppDotNet background…
@ukhaiku Hi, don’t now if you remember, but we used to be somewhat at the same corner of So folks have migrated to, in a way #AppNet became #AppDotNet in the Fediverse? Is the same conversational ethos still going on?
I am excited about Tapbots’s upcoming Mastodon client, Ivory, but reading their posts tonight I was struck by a memory from nearly a decade ago: I sang the praises of their client, Netbot, on said platform, and was roundly criticized by a zealous Netizen because Netbot was “forcing Twitter features and Twitter paradigms” onto a “very different platform.”
Granted, Netbot looked and worked *very* similarly to Tweetbot, but . . . so did and Twitter.
The hint that @tapbots might be making a Mastodon client has me over the moon. I use Tweetbot every day, and Netbot was my main, much-missed window on
#tapbots #mastodonclient #tweetbot #appdotnet
I like it here. I haven't been super-prolific but I am, more and more, starting to think of Mastodon as my main place, and Twitter as an adjunct.
As so many have observed, the vibe over here is so much more chill. It actually reminds me a lot of in early 2013.
The more things change, the more they stay the same #AppDotNet #fediverse #Riposte #Felix #Netbot
#appdotnet #fediverse #riposte #felix #netbot
This current burst of Mastodon/#fediverse expansion and visibility is making me nostalgic for the ADN #appdotnet days…
Ich wünsche mir und uns, dass das #fediverse ken zweites #appdotnet wird. Ich spüre die Aufbruchstimmung und bin zuversichtlich. #neuhier
#fediverse #appdotnet #neuhier
Guess I should do an #introduction again, hopefully connect with a few new folks interested in the same stuff. Hi New Folks! Welcome!
Work: #startups #cloud #infra #observability #techWriting
Fun: #handspinning #weaving #knitting #fiber #textiles #sewing
Online home: #AppDotNet #ADN #WriteTheDocs #selfHost #MacOS #Ubuntu
IRL home: #SFMission #SanFrancisco #NorCal #Loveland #NoCo #Colorado #hempcrete #sustainability
#introduction #startups #cloud #infra #observability #techwriting #handspinning #weaving #knitting #fiber #textiles #sewing #appdotnet #adn #writethedocs #selfhost #macos #ubuntu #SFMission #sanfrancisco #NorCal #Loveland #NoCo #colorado #hempcrete #sustainability
sure thing 👇
Ahh memories..... 🤩
Irgendwie werde ich noch immer nicht diese Unbehagen los, dass #Mastodon mal so endet wie #appdotnet.
Und ich weiss auch das die Systeme nicht vergleichbar sind. Und trotzdem ist das oft im Hinterkopf. Aber hier ist es so toll und flauschig, dass es vermutlich einfach ganz (ir?)rationale Verlustangst ist....
Sounds veeeery good. Keeping fingers crossed for you 🤞
Btw, I realized there is an #appdotnet instance? Huiui that brings back some memories 😅
Waaaas?! Ich habe Mitte 2016 noch auf gepostet? Das kommt mir schon viel länger her vor. Die #waybackmachine funktioniert hierbei übrigens sehr gut. Hui das waren noch Zeiten 😅
#appdotnet #adn
#waybackmachine #appdotnet #adn