PM Modi reasserts his government commitment to fight corruption, parivarvaad and appeasement.
#NarendraModi #PMModi #Corruption #Parivarvaad #Appeasement #DynastyPolitics
#narendramodi #pmmodi #corruption #parivarvaad #appeasement #dynastypolitics
Addressing the 77th Independence Day celebrations from the ramparts of Red Fort, Modi said that corruption has badly affected India’s capabilities and the country has to resolve to not tolerate it in any form.
#Modi #CollectiveFight #Corruption #Nepotism #Appeasement
#modi #collectivefight #corruption #nepotism #appeasement
Remember when Corbyn was Labour leader and the right-wing media told us we mustn't vote for him because he was a Russian asset and wouldn't do anything about it if Russia invaded Europe?
Aren't we lucky we didn't vote for him so we now have a PM who doesn't tolerate Russian aggression and is sending the marines in when Russia is bombing blood transfusion centres in Europe.
Oh, wait...
Als die Tschechen das #Sudetenland 1945 wieder in Besitz nahmen, vertrieben sie alle Deutschstämmigen, auch die, die schon vor der Annexion (die trotz Papier extrem gewaltsam verlief) dort gelebt hatten und die, die sich gegen das NS-Regime gestellt hatten. Auch meine Oma mit meiner 5jährigen Mutter. Ihr Mann, mein Opa, war gegen Hitler und SPDler. Sein Verbleib war damals ungewiss (erst viel später erfolgte die Todesnachricht). Auch diese Vertreibung erfolgte unter extremer Gewalt. #appeasement
Hätte es den Kriegsbefehl zur Annexion des Sudetenlandes gegeben, wäre die Antwort eine solide geplante militärische Operation mit Gefangennahme Hitlers unter Zustimmung breiter Teile der Bevölkerung gewesen, die gegen den Einmarsch waren. Dieses Begehr wurde nun - zwar "unblutig" - erfüllt und so von außen legitimiert. Ob die anschließende Vertreibung tatsächlich "unblutig" verlief, sei dahingestellt. Es hinderte #Hitler nicht daran, 1939 den Rest der #Tschechoslowakei zu besetzen. #Appeasement
#hitler #tschechoslowakei #appeasement
Heute jährt sich das #AttentatVom20Juli1944. Doch bereits 1938 wurde im Falle des drohenden Kriegsbefehls zur Einnahme des Sudetenlandes ein Umsturz geplant. Auch GB war eingeweiht. GB aber veranlasste plötzlich mit Hilfe von FR und IT, dass die Tschechoslowakei das #Sudetenland abzutreten und binnen 10 Tagen zu räumen habe. #Hitler selbst hatte wieder eine reine Weste und die bereits gebrochene Führerbegeisterung lebte wieder auf. #Appeasement ist Gewalt und bringt nichts! #russland #ukraine
#attentatvom20juli1944 #Sudetenland #hitler #appeasement #russland #ukraine
A quotation from Bible:
I hate, I despise your festivals, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies. Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them, and the offerings of well-being of your fatted animals I will not look upon. Take away from me the noise of your songs; I will not listen to the melody of your …
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #appeasement #ceremony #dissatisfaction
#quote #quotes #quotation #appeasement #ceremony #dissatisfaction
Before then Profumo had had an entirely respectable political career. He had been one of the "troublesome young men" who had opposed #appeasement of #nazi #germany in the1930s from the #Conservative side of the #HouseofCommons although unlike most of them he does not appear to have been gay. He was seen as a rising star within the #Conservative government of #HaroldMacmllan.
#appeasement #nazi #germany #conservative #houseofcommons #haroldmacmllan
Spot-on by @con_coughlin But we need to change this dynamic We need to stop the #Kowtow, #Appeasement, #Surrender mentality in the West if we're to prevent a global cataclysmic disaster China is preparing for war – & the West is preparing to surrender
#kowtow #appeasement #surrender
🚫 #Boycott #Budweiser | Dutch-Owned Conglomerate Hardens Stance | Sides with Boycott Bigots, Puts Two Top Marketing Execs on LOA | “We have made some adjustments to streamline the structure of our marketing function to reduce layers so that our most senior marketers are more closely connected to every aspect of our brands’ activities.” — @washingtonpost
#trans #advertising #DylanMulvaney #bigotry #underbussed #appeasement
📷 #JohnLamparaski | Getty for #PFLAG via #TheAdvocate
#underbussed #theadvocate #pflag #johnlamparaski #appeasement #bigotry #dylanmulvaney #advertising #Trans #budweiser #boycott
Now who was President during most of that time?
" ’A whole appeasement psychology’: How America let Putin off the hook after Crimea. A POLITICO investigation shows that the tough sanctions put in place starting in 2014 suffered from weak enforcement at the Department of Justice and a lack of cooperation from allies, allowing oligarchs and their enablers to skate free."
#Biden #EU #Pentagon #Military #War #Ukraine #NATO #Putin #Russia #Weapons #US #Appeasement
#appeasement #US #weapons #Russia #Putin #NATO #Ukraine #War #military #pentagon #EU #Biden
The best-case scenario is that he thinks that this will demonstrate that he’s willing to “be the reasonable one” and meet the Republicans halfway. If that’s what’s going on, then Biden is once again demonstrating that he has learned nothing from the last three decades of GOP politics.
“Meet me in the middle,” says the unjust man.
I don’t think this will work, because the fascists have no interest in anything less than the eradication of trans people from public life. What seems more likely, to me, is that the fascists will use this as proof that “the left” secretly knows they’re right about trans people. This will embolden them, because fascists cannot be appeased. They read appeasement as weakness, and they view weakness as an invitation to attack.
#trans #transgender #transrights #sports #biden #fascism #genocide #appeasement
#trans #transgender #transrights #sports #biden #fascism #genocide #appeasement
It isn't enough to know we are living witnesses to #fascism. We need to stop appeasing. #Appeasement emboldens fascists.
@jonas_w und ich bleibe dabei, dass der Druck denen gehört, die gerade sich nicht durchsetzen können, weil sie denen, die ihre Lobby-Agenda umsetzen, gerade dabei helfen. #appeasement -Politik war noch nie ein guter Lösungbringer und wird es auch diesmal nicht werden.
The prime minister of neutral #Ireland blames attempts at #appeasement of #Russia for the #war in #Ukraine. “People often ask the question: where will #Putin stop? Putin will stop where we stop him.”
#putin #ukraine #war #russia #appeasement #ireland
A Democratic president is standing up to Putin. And he’s facing a Republican who would rather attack Mickey Mouse — William Saletan #quote #DeSantis #appeasement #RussianUkrainianWar #Republicans #Disney
#quote #desantis #appeasement #russianukrainianwar #republicans #disney
The war is an unprovoked invasion and occupation of Ukraine. When #DeSantis calls the occupied territory “border lands” and frames the invasion as a “dispute,” he’s deceiving Americans about who’s right and who’s wrong in Ukraine, both factually and morally. He’s peddling relativist garbage of the sort that conservatives used to despise — William Saletan #quote #appeasement #RussianUkrainianWar
#desantis #quote #appeasement #russianukrainianwar
Vladimir Putin’s government is funding and perpetuating this war. If Russia were to withdraw, the war would end immediately. What the United States and its allies are funding is Ukraine’s defense. And the goal of that aid isn’t to perpetuate the conflict; it’s to end the conflict by driving the Russians out — William Saletan #quote #DeSantis #Trump #appeasement #RussianUkrainianWar
#quote #desantis #trump #appeasement #russianukrainianwar
I strongly support continuing to provide the Ukrainian military the resources necessary to repel that Russian invasion — Mike Pence #quote #DeSantis #Trump #appeasement #RussianUkrainianWar
#quote #desantis #trump #appeasement #russianukrainianwar
I think we ought to give them the resources, the equipment, the supplies, so they can fight the Russians in Ukraine and prevent the day that Russia would roll into a country where our sons and daughters in uniform would be required to go and to fight and defend. Let’s win it there — Mike Pence #quote #DeSantis #Trump #appeasement #RussianUkrainianWar
#quote #desantis #trump #appeasement #russianukrainianwar