#legalwriting #lawprofs #lawtwitter, #appellatetwitter, I'm putting together a team. Who wants to work with me on exploring @OpenAI@twitter.com for #lawschool and #lawpractice writing? Statement of Facts for a case, a memo, briefing! #AppellateMastadon #AppellateTooter #appellatesocial
#legalwriting #lawprofs #lawtwitter #appellatetwitter #lawschool #lawpractice #appellatemastadon #appellatetooter #appellatesocial
@MediasTouch on #11thCircuit Requiring #Cannon to Dismiss the #Trump Case ..and effectively her herself from the case. Whats Likely To Come Next. #law #appellatemastadon
#11thCircuit #cannon #trump #law #appellatemastadon
#bookbinding / #appellatemastadon question:
I broke the spine on one of my treatises trying to install a pocket part. It's a working book and costs $250 ish . Is this worth fixing or do I just wait until the pages come loose and then buy a new one?
#bookbinding #appellatemastadon