#legalwriting #lawprofs #lawtwitter, #appellatetwitter, I'm putting together a team. Who wants to work with me on exploring @OpenAI@twitter.com for #lawschool and #lawpractice writing? Statement of Facts for a case, a memo, briefing! #AppellateMastadon #AppellateTooter #appellatesocial
#legalwriting #lawprofs #lawtwitter #appellatetwitter #lawschool #lawpractice #appellatemastadon #appellatetooter #appellatesocial
Lots of strong FOMO vibes as #lawprofs, #appellatesocial and #lawtwitter make our way over from Twitter. Having found people we like to hang out with who also like to hang out with us on Twitter, this whole migration is giving us all "hey, are you guys hanging out without me?!" high school flashbacks.
#lawprofs #appellatesocial #lawtwitter