Because each river is different—and every river changes depending on the time or temp or season or light—you’re always learning something new. It’s one of the things that makes angling a lot like appellate work. #FlyFishing #GuadalupeRiver #AppellateTooter #FlyFishingLessons
#flyfishing #guadaluperiver #appellatetooter #flyfishinglessons
#legalwriting #lawprofs #lawtwitter, #appellatetwitter, I'm putting together a team. Who wants to work with me on exploring for #lawschool and #lawpractice writing? Statement of Facts for a case, a memo, briefing! #AppellateMastadon #AppellateTooter #appellatesocial
#legalwriting #lawprofs #lawtwitter #appellatetwitter #lawschool #lawpractice #appellatemastadon #appellatetooter #appellatesocial
@smmarotta @RMFifthcircuit PS it's #appellatetooter or #lawtooter get it straight
So what are we going with, #AppellateMastodon? #AppellateTooter?
#appellatemastodon #appellatetooter
So are we making #AppellateTooter a thing, or have you already died of shame?