#AppleAndOnion S1E11 ("Apple's Focus") is great #ADHD representation. It's silly and lighthearted, while it also conveying the difficult relationship we have with our ability to direct our focus.
They did a really good job showing how it can be frustrating for others that rely on us, how it impacts us to feel like we're letting them down despite the fact that we mean well and try as hard as we can, and then the story ties it all up nicely by demonstrating how we can take control of our focus again by working with our brains instead of against them.
This show is criminally underappreciated. These 12-minute episodes of a goofy children's cartoon are shockingly good at conveying the #neurodivergent experience in a way that is relatable and compassionate without taking itself too seriously. And of course, it's very accessible for children.
#appleandonion #adhd #neurodivergent #ADHDers #autistic #actuallyautistic #neurodiversesquad